About us



years of expertise

Consulting agency UkrAgroConsult has over 25 years of expertise in agricultural markets of Ukraine and the Black Sea region. The company is based in Kyiv, Ukraine.


countries worldwide

We serve global agribusiness operators from 50+ countries worldwide, delivering quality market information and analysis for effective decision making.

The company provides a range of services, including analytical reports on grains, oilseeds and pulses, food industry, agri market research, investment consulting, individual business plans and projects etc.

UkrAgroConsult aims to provide agricultural operators with high-quality, reliable and timely market intelligence to make effective business decisions within the global turbulent environment.

Agri market today is flooded with endless news, facts and estimates, coming daily along with severe time constraints.

Our company’s experience proves that effective market analysis is only possible with innovative intelligence solutions. We are sure that quick access to market data is generally not a problem itself.

However, the most critical is a capability to evaluate these data, make comparisons and draw right conclusions.

Our analytical products, based on vast expertise and digital solutions, are designed to help agri operators with their accuracy, relevance and timeliness.

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