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Romania - top EU rapeseed exporter in season 2016/17
“Black Sea Grain-2018: Moving Up the Value Chain” – Early Bird registration goes on!
Russia. Wheat prices declined both in deep-water and small ports last week
A sorghum processing plant to be built in Ukraine
Egypt issued milling wheat tender
Ukraine exported nearly 15 MMT of grain
Filhet Allard Maritime - Sponsor of XV International Conference “Black Sea Grain-2018”
Black Sea pulse market. A focus on effectiveness
Black Sea Grain-2018: European Commission expert to make an outlook on Ukraine-EU grain and food trade
Russia is not missing the opportunity to realize its export potential
Ukraine’s rapeseed market looking to the new season with optimism
Ukraine. Winter cereals entered true winter dormancy
EU approved a plan to ban the use of palm oil in biofuel production
CBOT trading session review, January 24
Brazil steals US soybean share in China
U.S. corn exports gain momentum on weak dollar
Grain prices in Ukraine continued growing both in the export and domestic markets
Since the beginning of 2017/18 Ukrainian grain exports reached more than 25.2 MMT
Ukraine. Cereal and oil seed imports gained 7%
Ukraine stepped up wheat bran exports by 24%
Consultant: Argentinian production would fall to 47 MMT of soybeans
Romania and Ukraine sharing the EU rapeseed market
USDA forecasts for Ukraine’s 2017/18 crop: lowered corn and upped wheat
CBOT trading session review, February 14
Rice export from Pakistan surges 15% during July-Jan
Indonesia to Become World's Largest Wheat Importer
Prices for high-protein wheat in Russia reached the highest level since November 2015
Drought in Argentina to reduce corn and soybean yield
FranceAgriMer sets 2017 corn quality on par with 2016, production up 14.8%
Brazil's 2017/18 soybean crop is expected to reach record high of 115.6 MMT
USDA. Indonesian 2017/18 palm oil production forecast remains 38.5 million tons
Hot and dry conditions continue to impact Argentine corn
GASC is back in the market seeking wheat for March 22- April 1 shipment
UkrOliyaProm summed up the results of vegoil and fat production in 2017
South Africa reveals some comfort for grains outlook as rain hits
Argentina Jan crush falls 8% year-on-year as poor yields expected
Argentina: soybean production estimate drops again
ADM, Cargill to launch soybean joint venture in Egypt
China lifted a quarantine ban on wheat imports from Russia
Egypt issued a milling wheat tender
Egypt purchased Russian and Romanian wheat in a tender
Argentina soybean production forecast down 13%
Egypt purchased record volume of wheat via tender
Kazakh sunseed exports hitting new highs
Vietnam exports more rice in 3 months
Barley and pea planting started in Ukraine
Brazilian Safrinha Corn in Excellent condition in central Mato Grosso
Argentina. Rains may improve conditions of a later planted soybean
EU increased purchases of Ukrainian rye
Turkish imports of Romanian corn grew ten times over the whole last season
Ukraine. Latest ever planting of spring cereals
Russia. 2017/18 grain success and outlook for the future
Kazakh wheat exports set a record in February 2017/18
Ukraine. Sunseed crushers stockpiled just 4% less feedstock than last year
Barley inventories in Ukraine down 15% from last year
Belarus. Soil moisture supply fell to a critical level
Return of Ukrainian wheat to the Vietnamese market: prospects and obstacles
Romania: wheat crop in 2018 to be down from the previous two seasons
Will China become a threat to Ukraine's fat-and-oil sector in the context of the trade war with the USA?
The text is available in the original language only
The text is available in the original language only
USDA reduced its estimate for Black Sea oilseed production
Milling wheat exports under the memorandum became known
Wheat fell in price in Egypt tender
Indonesia reinforcing its position in Russia’s palm oil market
USDA revised its forecast for Black Sea grain production and exports
Ukraine. Harvesting of early grains is over in seven regions
Phosphatide concentrate exports from Ukraine growing at a record pace
Wheat crop in Bulgaria expected to hit a three-year low
Black Sea region. What is to be expected of the August USDA forecast
Memorandum-2018 allows exporting 16MMT of wheat
Egypt: 41.5 KMT of vegoils purchased in a tender
Russia. Substantial price growth continued on the grain market last week
Ukraine. Harvest of early grains drawing to a close
How Azov Sea grain handling changed after the imposition of restrictions
Russia. July rains may deteriorate the quality of grain
Pea production in Ukraine will not set a new record
Egypt purchased wheat from Russia and Romania in a tender
Ukraine. Rapeseed exporters to face stiffer competition with crushers
Ukraine to limit milling wheat exports? Don't believe!
Kazakhstan continues exporting barley at a record pace
Ukraine’s rapeseed market in new 2018/19 season: optimism is justified
Wheat exports from Russia rose fourfold in MY 2018/19
Ukraine. Sunseed crushing fell to a season low in July
Russia. Grain exports may decrease due to claims to its quality
Egypt: 51.5 KMT of vegoils purchased in a tender
Linseed - promising oil crop for Ukraine
Kazakhstan may become the leading linseed producer in the new season
Russia. Weather conditions favored harvest
Wheat market in North Africa: share of Black Sea countries exceeded 50%
Ukraine. Winter wheat planting almost 60% complete
Ukraine. Sunseed yield 14% higher than last year
Russia. Field work & Crop conditions, October 2
Ukraine exported nearly 9,3 MMT of grain
ViOil planning to become the top producer of high-oleic sunflower oil in the new season
Ukraine. Rapeseed market started the season with record crushing
Ukraine. Weather conditions favor planting winter crops and harvesting late grains
Romania to reduce its rapeseed production and export potential
Russia's grain export potential to decrease 20%
Russia cut sunflower meal shipments to the lowest level since 2011/12 season
Ukraine. Flour exports at a three-year low
Ukraine sharply reduced linseed exports in 2017/18 season
Egypt purchased wheat from Russia in a tender
Sunseed production in Moldova heading towards a new record high
Turkey harvested a bumper sunseed crop
Bulgaria. Rapeseed yield failed growers in 2018/19 season, but importers will not be affected
Current developments in the market of the most expensive coarse grain
Black Sea region. What is to be expected from the October USDA forecast?
Allseeds heading for industry leadership with support from foreign investment
Russia. Ag Ministry raised its wheat crop forecast
Ukraine. 36.1% of wheat already exported under the Grain Export Memorandum
AgroLiga Group put into operation a new oil extractor
Ukraine. Will farmers go the way of expanding soybean plantings next season?
Black Sea corn crop to hit a record high
Bunge became the top producer of refined sunflower oil in 2017/18 season
Kazakhstan. Linseed exports closed 2017/18 season at a record high
Ukraine. Draft law No. 9202 as another step toward increasing value-added exports
Egypt issued a tender to purchase vegetable oils
Russia. Cargill launched a new oil extractor in Volgograd region
World wheat market in expectation of Argentine supply
Early-October corn inventories in Ukraine increased more than 90%
Ukraine. Early-October oilseed inventories higher than last year
Black Sea region stepping up palm oil imports
Egypt issued a milling wheat tender
Egypt purchased wheat from Ukraine, Russia and USA in a tender
Russia. Oilseed inventories up 20.2% on the year
Ukraine. Kernel’s new plant to start operating in 2021
Brazil may take on Ukraine in the Egyptian and Iranian corn markets
2018/19 rapeseed season in Ukraine to see new records
Russia moving from words to actions in the fat-and-oil industry development
Europe “tasting” Kazakh sunflower oil
Russia. Cherkizovo to start oilseed crushing in Lipetsk region
Kazakh farmers must turn attention to sunflower growing practices
ViOil consolidating its position in the Chinese market
USDA: estimates for 2018/19 Black Sea grain exports raised by 2.4%
USDA: Black Sea oilseed crop forecast raised by almost 1 MMT
Grain production in Kazakhstan to remain high in 2018
Ukraine. Sunflower meal will be in demand from end consumers in MY 2018/19
Kazakhstan. Linseed export potential to raise the maximum level
2018/19 wheat bran exports from Ukraine down 31%
Romanian exporters of corn are opening new markets due to competition with Ukraine
Sunflower oil market to witness competition for consumers in new 2018/19 season
Ukraine. Early-November oilseed inventories higher than last year
Egypt issued a milling wheat tender
Corn stocks in Ukraine as of early November 2018 up 95% on the year
American wheat winning tender for the second time
Egypt issued a tender to purchase vegetable oils
Kazakhstan became the top linseed grower
Russia. Wilmar planning major investment in Primorye’s soybean sector
Belarus considers possibility to build port on border with Ukraine
Ukraine. Winter grain crops are good and fair in the most of planted areas
Ukraine. What Kernel will spend USD 500 Ml for?
Ukraine. USPA to issue nine tenders for dredging in 2018-2019
Black Sea region. Fall planting summary and distribution of grain planted areas in 2019/20 season
Bulgaria enhancing its position as a sunflower oil exporter
Kazakhstan switching to production of crude sunflower oil
Ukraine’s high-oleic market expecting growth
Winter crops in Ukraine ended the fall growing season in better condition than a year ago
Egypt issued a milling wheat tender
Russia. Agrometeorological conditions were mostly fair for winter crops to begin dormancy
Turkey became the top importer of Ukrainian sunflower seed
Romania continued increasing wheat exports
Japan entered the top 3 of the biggest importers of Ukrainian barley
Persistently strong position of Russia in the global pulse market
Egypt preferred wheat from Ukraine and Russia in a tender
Wheat price growth in Egyptian tender
WEF assessed competitive strength of the Black Sea transport infrastructure
Consumers of Ukrainian linseed will have to reduce their wants
Ukrainian corn’s position in the world market in MY 2018/19
Ukraine. Oilseed production estimates by the Agrarian Economics Institute
Ukraine increased rye exports to EU
China ready to import rapeseed meal from Kazakhstan
Turkey remains a significant player in the Black Sea oilseed market
Egypt issued a milling wheat tender
Egypt: only soybean oil from domestic sellers purchased in tender
China and UAE cut flour purchases from Ukraine
Ukraine. Margarine production still lower than last year
Ukraine. Winter grains remained dormant
Egypt issued a tender to purchase vegetable oils
Ukraine. Christmas surprises from Ukrzaliznytsia
Egyptian GASC preferred Ukrainian and Romanian wheats to Russian one
Sunflower seed market in Russia steadily heading for records
Who will become the world’s second biggest wheat exporter after Russia?
Russian wheat: unless the government limits its exports, the domestic market will do this
Russia. Preliminary results of oilseed harvesting
Ukraine. Corn exports to the EU increased fourfold
Ukraine. Sunflower oil output remains all-time best
Ukraine. Condition of winter grains causes no concern
Ukraine. Soybean crushing proceeding at a record pace
Ukraine. Winter grains condition remains mostly good and fair
Capitalization of Ukrainian agroholdings in 2018
Agricultural product exporters may get deprived of VAT refund payments
Bottled vegoil exports will become more profitable!
Barley. Why does the most expensive grain crop remain “unpromising”?
Soybean market doomed to experience a turning point in 2019/20
Romania. Air temperature drop jeopardized winter barley and rape
Sunseed exports from Russia at an eight-year low
Egypt purchased a large consignment of Russian wheat
Egypt issued a tender to purchase vegetable oils with delivery on March 1-31, 2019
Ukraine. Grain crop forecast for 2019
Ukraine. Forecast for the 2019/20 crop of oilseeds
Russia. Winter crops were exposed to fair weather conditions
Barley exports from Ukraine at a five-year low
All the main indices are up this week
Ukraine. Survival rate of plants of winter grains is approximately 99%
Russia exported soybean meal to Japan for the first time
Ukraine. A sunflower oil plant to start operating in Sloviansk
India increased imports of Ukrainian soybean oil
Ukraine. Mayonnaise production remains at a minimum
Ukraine’s 2018/2019 grain exports already totaled 25.7 MMT
Egypt purchased through a tender more oil than planned
Morocco is now one of the top 3 importers of Ukrainian wheat
Ukraine. Winter grains in mid-January can be rated as good
Black Sea region to continue enhancing its position in the world arena
Romanian rapeseed exports to be the lowest since MY 2015/16
Black Sea region cut pea exports
Ukraine. Cargo handling in 2018 – grain sets a new record
Kazakhstan boosted grain exports
Ukraine. ViOil started soybean crushing
Ukraine. 71.1% of wheat exported under the Memorandum
Romania: sunflower seed supplies to Turkey keep rising
Russia. Forecast for the 2019 grain crop
Egypt issued a milling wheat tender with delivery on March 11 - 20, 2019
Ukraine changed its national standard for sunflower oil
Russian wheat no longer competitive
Saudi Arabia considerably increased purchases of Romanian barley
Belarus stepping up rapeseed imports
Russia. Oilseed inventories up 1 MMT on the year
EU and UAE cut imports of Ukrainian flour
Sunflower acreage in Kazakhstan to be expanded
Ukraine’s 2018/19 grain exports already totaled 27.5 MMT
Ukraine. Sunflower oil production decreased in the last two months
Ukraine. Winter grain crop condition is mostly good
How will Ukraine dispose of its record oilseed crop in 2018/19?
Preliminary grain harvest results in Ukraine
Egypt bought wheat from France, USA and Ukraine
Black Sea wheat in Algeria’s market. Chances of success
Russia. Sunflower seed no longer attractive this season
Winter crops condition in Belarus causes no concern
Kazakhstan boosted grain exports by 38% in MY 2018/19
Ukraine. Linseed exports at a decade low
Ukraine. ViOil expanded the range of confectionery fats
China reduced sunflower oil imports from Kazakhstan
USDA: Black Sea oilseed crop forecast raised
Russia became the top sunflower oil supplier to Turkey
Russia. Sunflower seed no longer attractive this season
Ukraine to close this 2018/19 season with record soybean stocks
Kazakhstan. Record barley crop against the background of declining wheat production
Russian wheat came back to Egypt
Russian wheat came back to Egypt
Ukraine. Palm oil imports from Malaysia up 35%
Ukraine. Total oilseed stocks as of early February higher than last year
Ukraine shipped abroad 31.3 MMT of grain
Russia. Rapeseed crusher started operating in Tatarstan
Ukraine. Planted acreage for 2019 harvest to remain at last year’s level
Egypt purchased 46.5 KMT of vegetable oils in a tender
It was abnormally warm on February 18-22 for this time of the year.
Ukrainian wheat will be able to replace Australia’s one in the Indonesian market
Bulgaria becoming no longer competitive outside the EU
Oilseeds production in Kazakhstan met expectations
Russia. Sodruzhestvo increases crushing capacities
India increased sunflower oil imports by 23% in January 2019
Air temperatures in southern Romania are 4-6°С above the long-term average
Russia. Oilseed inventories up 1 MMT on the year as of February 1, 2019
Fed's Powell Says US Economy in A 'Good Place'
Bulgaria. Weather conditions caused winter crops to resume growing
Ukraine shipped abroad 16 MMT of corn
European Union to help Moldova in developing soybean production
Belarus. A facility for advanced soybean processing to get erected in Smorgon
Egypt issued a tender to purchase vegetable oils with delivery on April 15-30, 2019
Egypt issued a tender to purchase vegetable oils with delivery on April 15-30, 2019
Saudi Arabia stepped up barley imports from Ukraine by 17%
Two fat-and-oil plants in southern Ukraine put up for sale
Ukraine. On the last days of February the soil in most of the country was thawed
Ukraine. Groats production in January 2019 increased by 35%
Planting in Ukraine started a month earlier than last year
Romanian corn exports are up 13% y/y
Russian soybean oil to be exported to Vietnam for the first tim
Ukrainian margarines market stable despite a production decrease
Egypt purchased only soybean oil
Egypt purchased only soybean oil
Ukraine shipped to foreign markets 12.7 MMT of wheat
USDA: oilseed production estimate for the Black Sea region raised to 45.6 MMT
Ukraine shipped to foreign markets 34.3 MMT of grain
Ukraine. Planting of early spring grains more than 11% complete
Ukraine. Korolivsky Smak to begin nitriding sunflower oil
Ukraine keeps exporting corn at a record pace
China absorbs more than 90% of Russian soybean exports
Kazakhstan. Grain stocks as of March 1, 2019 decreased by 15%
Ukraine. Winter grains resumed growth 10-14 days ahead of the long-term average
Ukraine’s rapeseed market: the new season set to witness new records
UkrAgroConsult raised its forecast for corn exports from Ukraine
Ukraine’s livestock farming is prioritized
Ukraine. Corn stocks remain high
Ukraine. 365 Th ha planted to spring barley
Romania. Severe and moderate soil drought persists in the east and southeast of the country
Russia reducing linseed exports for a second straight season
Ukraine. Margarine production in January 2019 at a three-year low
Ukraine. Crusher sunseed stocks were down at last year’s level
EU – Malaysia: is palm oil’s fate decided?
Egypt issued a tender to purchase vegetable oils with delivery on May 1-20, 2019
Egypt issued a milling wheat tender
Ukraine. Winter grain crops resumed growth earlier than usual
Bulgaria’s rapeseed market to see no tipping point in the new season
Ukraine. Weather favoring early grains
Romanian farmers continue sowing early spring crops
Egypt purchased only USA wheat on a tender
Ukraine. Planting of early spring grains more than half complete
Egypt purchased 84.5 KMT of vegoils through tender
Ukraine. Final grain harvest results in 2018
Farmers in Romania started planting sunflower and corn
Ukraine. Pea acreage to shrink by 20%
Final data on Ukraine’s oilseed production in 2018
Conflict between China and Canada: a chance for Black Sea rapeseed?
Ukraine. Groats production in January – February 2019 increased by 26%
Sunflower planting started in Ukraine
Romania increased wheat exports to Egypt by 19% y/y
Final data on Ukraine’s oilseed production in 2018
Egypt issued a tender to purchase vegetable oils with delivery on May 1-20, 2019
Wheat acreage in Russia expected to hit a 10-year high
Russia. Sunflower oil production still down from last year
Wheat exports from Ukraine in July-March 2018/19 down 7%
Ukraine. Winter crops still have enough soil moisture
Egypt purchased Ukrainian and Romanian wheat on a tender
USDA once again raised its forecast for corn exports from Ukraine
Capitalization of Ukrainian agroholdings in Q1 2019
Ukraine & Black Sea grain markets: aiming for the new highs?
Ukraine. Prospects of 2019/20 oilseed season
Ukraine. More than 2 Ml ha planted to early spring grains
Soybean planting started in Ukraine
Ukraine. SFGCU branded sunflower oil
Belarus. Weather conditions maintained a fast pace of fieldwork and spring planting
Ukraine. Mayonnaise production turned down in February
Kazakhstan. Grain stocks as of April 1, 2019 decreased by 13%
Romania. Precipitation will have a favorable effect on winter grains
2018/19 barley exports from Ukraine down 19%
Romania. Corn exports are up 18% y/y
Ukraine. Prospects of wheat exports in 2019/20
South America. Agri ambitions and prospects
Ukraine continues planting corn and sunseed
Romania. Rains increased moisture content in key growing regions
Europe started purchasing Kazakh sunflower oil
Ukraine produced 3.5 MMT sunoil
Ukraine shipped abroad 41.2 MMT of grain
Kazakhstan. Vegoil production surpassed its March record
Belarus. Topsoil moisture loss was observed in most of the country
Singapore became the second biggest buyer of Ukrainian flour
Egypt issued a tender to purchase vegetable oils with delivery on July 15 – August 15, 2019
Ukraine. Crops are now rated fair to good
Ukraine. UkrAgroConsult forecasts record grain exports in 2019/20 season
Ukraine. Slowdown in corn planting
Kazakhstan to export vegetable oils to Iran at reduced tariff for three years
How will Ukraine dispose of the oilseeds crop in 2019/20 season?
Ukraine. Grain exports grew by 20%
Egypt purchased 48.5 KMT of vegetable oils through a tender
Ukraine. Corn planting is 68% complete
Ukraine. Soybean crush set a new monthly record
USDA: Black Sea oilseeds crop in MY 2019/20 to increase by 560 KMT
Ukraine. April weather conditions were favorable for growing crops
UkrAgroConsult raised its forecast for 2019/20 grain production in Russia
USDA forecasts a 6% increase in Black Sea grain production in MY 2019/20
Romanian rapeseed exports to keep sinking in MY 2019/20
Ukraine. Rape oil production will be the second largest volume on record
Ukraine. Wheat exports in July-April 2018/19 down 7%
Ukraine. Farmers closing the year-over-year gap in planting
Ukraine. Corn planting is 92% complete
“Roller coaster ride” of Canadian soybean and rapeseed exports to China
Romania. Wheat exports in July-April 2018/19 are up 5% y/y
Ukraine. Crusher soybean stocks twice as high as last year
Ukraine. All crops are good and fair
Ukraine. Corn stocks by May up 19% year-on-year
Wheat exports from Kazakhstan on the rise but its acreage still shrinking
Ukraine. More than 4.5 Ml ha planted to corn
Romania. 2018/19 sunseed exports may reach second record
Romania. Corn exports are 18% higher
Ukraine: production of major grain processing products
Russia. Oil extraction plant in Voronezh region ready for further upgrade
Ukraine. Corn planting almost complete
Bulgaria’s grain export potential may increase in 2019/20 season
Ukraine. Soybean planting progress confirms an acreage decrease
Ukraine. Rapeseed meal exports to the EU more than doubled
Ukraine. Vegetable oils production stays at a record high
Russia. Oilseed inventories up 47% on the year
Ukraine shipped to foreign markets more than 47 MMT of grain
Ukraine. Linseed exports at a five-year low
Ukraine continues corn sowing
Ukraine. Crop condition is mostly good an fair
Sorghum exports from Ukraine down 23%
Romania. Soil moisture content is at an optimum level
Russia. Exoil Group investing RUB 6 Bl in soybean and rapeseed crushing
Russia. In 2018 sunflower seed retained its position as the most profitable crop
Kazakhstan completed spring planting
Ukraine. Allseeds showing a record pace of vegoil handling
Egypt issued a tender to buy new-crop milling wheat
Harvest of winter grains began in the south of the Black Sea region
Egypt issued a second consecutive tender to buy new-crop milling wheat
Buckwheat crop in Ukraine expected to hit an all-time low
Ukraine. Productive topsoil moisture supply in corn crops is sufficient
Russia on the path of expanding its sunflower planted area
Egypt purchased in a tender Black Sea wheat again
Soybean purchases by Turkey to hit a high in the new season
Ukraine reduced palm oil imports
China ready to cultivate oilseeds in Russia
Malaysia keeps its zero export duty on palm oil for another month
Russia. China planning to acquire 25% of a grain terminal in Novorossiysk
Ukraine. Abnormal June heat and its impact on the crop
Ukraine. Barley harvest is 10% complete
Russia. Acreage of niche oilseeds is shrinking
Ukraine’s grain stocks in early June were down 5.4% year-on-year
EU and China share Ukrainian rape oil exports almost equally
Ukraine. Oilseed stocks, June 1, 2019
Belarus. Gomel region began harvesting winter rapeseed
Egypt issued a tender to buy milling wheat with delivery on August 2 - 12, 2019
Ukraine to continue increasing production of phosphatide concentrate
Egypt issued a tender to purchase vegetable oils
UkrAgroConsult cut its forecast for Russia’s 2019/20 grain production and exports
Romanian wheat is the most competitive in the Egyptian tender
Ukraine. Harvesting progress is far ahead of last year
Turkey imports more than 60% of Ukrainian sunflower seed
Ukraine. Grain yields are higher than last year
Turkey established quotas for duty-free sunflower oil exports from Serbia
Ukraine. Some areas across the south and east were hit by soil drought
Ukrainian exporters delivered almost 50 MMT of grain to foreign markets
Egypt issued a tender to buy milling wheat with delivery on August 10 - 20
Russia: soybean production going to hit a new high!
Egypt purchased 30 KMT of soybean oil in a tender
Egypt purchased Ukrainian wheat in a tender for the first time this season
USDA reduced its forecast for Black Sea wheat production by 4.6 MMT
USDA: Russian sunflower harvest reduced by 500,000 tonnes
Ukraine. Abnormal June heat and a July cold snap: the impact on crops
Romania: total sunflower oil exports may set a new record this season
Egypt issued a tender to buy milling wheat with delivery on August 21 - 31, 2019
Egypt purchased a minimum quantity of wheat in a tender
Ukraine. Harvesting progress, July 18, 2019
Belarus. Monthly soybean imports set a new record
Russia planning to start supplying wheat and corn to Kuwait
India prepared to resume contacts on sunflower oil exports
Malaysia. Zero tariff on palm oil exports to remain in August
Indonesia stopped purchasing Black Sea wheat
Russia. Parliament to consider a bill stripping palm oil of tax benefits
Rusagro shipped the first cargo of soybeans to China
Kernel continues “clearing new heights” in the oilseed segment
Russia. EcoOil agroholding to almost double its crushing capacity
CME Group to Launch Black Sea Sunflower Oil Financially Settled (Platts) Futures
Egypt issued a tender to purchase vegetable oils with delivery on September 1 - 20, 2019
Ukraine. Productive soil moisture continued falling
Belarus. Monthly soybean imports set a new record
Kazakhstan’s barley acreage reached an all-time high
Russia. Wheat yield is lower compared to a year ago
Kazakhstan. Oilseed stocks up 52% on the year
Ukraine’s 2018/19 flour exports down 30%
Ukraine. Vegetable oils production remains at a record high
Russia. Parliament voted for raising VAT on palm oil to 20%
Egypt canceled its tender for purchase of vegetable oils
Ukraine. Oilseeds stocks as of July 1, 2019
Ukraine. Winter rapeseed yield is down 5.2% from a year ago
Turkey boosted sunflower seed imports
Ukrainian exporters in 2019/20 season shipped abroad 3.7 MMT of grain
Egypt issued a tender to buy milling wheat with delivery on September 5 - 15, 2019
Ukraine. Harvesting campaign, August 5
Black Sea Oil Trade: Let’s Open the Oilseed Season Together!
Bulgaria: a rapeseed crop decline to affect all market players
Egyptian tender: wheat purchases increased
Russia. Sunseed exports recovered in the latter half of the season
Wheat bran exports from Ukraine hit a seven-year low
Ukraine. Harvesting progress, August 8.08.2019
Ukraine exported 5.2 MMT of sunflower oil
Ukraine shipped to foreign markets 4.2 MMT of grain
Ukraine. Crop condition is largely good and fair
Russia. UkrAgroConsult cut its crop forecast for wheat, but raised for barley
Romanian farmers report a drop in the average yield of harvested winter crops
Ukraine: rapeseed crop will hit a lower high
Cargill started exporting Russian lecithin
Ukraine. Vinnytsia-based ViOil plant boosted soybean crush
МСХ Китая снижает прогноз импорта сои в текущем сезоне
Growth in Chinese demand for Kazakhstani high-protein wheat
Black Sea countries. Harvesting progress, August 12, 2019
Ukraine. Number of route railway stations to increase
USDA: Sunseed crop in the Black Sea region to gain 2 MMT
Crude oil prices dropped last week
August WASDE shocks the market
Saudi welcome for Black Sea wheat
Ukraine. An experiment with “winter” sunflower to be conducted in Mykolaiv region
Kazakhstan. Weather condition helped complete grain maturation and harvest
Экспортная цена пальмового масла выросла за месяц на 12%
Ukraine. Law on concessions to be adopted in autumn
A major vegoil handling hub may be built in Astrakhan region
Украина. Выручка от экспорта товаров масличного комплекса показывает рост
Egypt issued a tender to buy milling wheat
Ukraine. Early grains harvesting is almost completed
Снижение темпов роста мировой экономики может дестабилизировать рынки сельхозпродукции
Russian wheat exports in the new season down 24%
Belarus. Agrometeorological conditions and crops development
China is going to import soybean, rapeseed and palm oils without restriction
Ukraine shipped to foreign markets 5.6 MMT of grain
Egypt bought Ukrainian and Russian wheat in tender
EU imported almost 0.5 MMT of Ukrainian rapeseed in July
Ukraine. Revenues from oilseed complex exports on the rise this year
BLACK SEA OIL TRADE-2019: 23 countries already on board. Join us in Kyiv!
Egypt purchased 12 KMT of sunflower oil in a tender
Egypt issued a tender to buy milling wheat with delivery on October 1 - 10, 2019
Ukraine. Topsoil moisture content is insufficient in the most of regions
Egypt bought French wheat in tender first time in the current season
Rapeseed market in Russia: new season is to bring new records!
Ukraine. Second season of route railway transportation
Romanian wheat returning to Asian countries
Ukraine. Farmers started harvesting sunflower
Romanian farmers started corn harvest
Turkey raised sunseed import duty
Ukraine. Since the beginning of 2019/20 season wheat exports reached 4 MMT
Ukraine. Soybean yield is 18% lower than last year
Ukraine. Abolition of Agriculture Ministry – part of a new government’s plan?
Ukraine. Lack of moisture is unfavorable for soil preparation before winter crops sowing
Turkey. Sunflower seed import duty in force
Egypt issued a tender to purchase vegetable oils with delivery on October 10 - 25, 2019 and October 25, 2019 – November 11, 2019
Russia. Production and export potential of grain market
Ukraine. Harvest of sunflower seed slowed down to 6% behind last year
Ukraine is the major supplier of wheat to the EU this season
Ukraine exported 9 MMT of grain from the beginning of the 2019/20 season
Egypt purchased 112 KMT of vegoils through tender
Ukraine. Farmers started corn harvesting
Forecast for Kazakh grain exports reduced
Ukraine. Planting of winter rape was conducted in difficult conditions
Will Romania realize its corn export potential in 2019/20MY?
Outlook for Ukraine’s oilseed market
Romania. Soil drought spread all over the country’s farming areas
Ukraine increasing its presence in China’s market
Ukraine. Corn yield is 6.3% higher than in 2018
Ukraine shipped to foreign markets 10 MMT of grain
USDA: Oilseed crop forecast for the Black Sea region decreased
Ukraine. Weather conditions are unfavorable to start planting of winter crops
September’s USDA report on the Black Sea region: another cut in wheat production forecast
Ukrainian rye. Opening of new markets to recover production?
Egypt issued a tender to buy milling wheat with delivery on October 21 – 31 and November 1 - 10, 2019
China: a promising market for Black Sea sunflower oil
Kazakhstan stepping up sunflower oil exports
Government of Ukraine: Land Market will be opened on October 1, 2020
Wheat price in Egyptian tender down 2.4%
Belarus. Unfavorable conditions for winter crops development
Ukraine. Sunflower harvest is 45% ahead of 2018
Wheat crop in Kazakhstan set to hit a seven-year low because of drought
Ukraine fully realized its soybean market potential in MY 2018/19
Egypt issued a tender to buy milling wheat
Ukraine. Lack of precipitation intensified soil drought spread
Ukraine. Corn harvest is 18.0% behind last year
French wheat turned out to be competitive in Egyptian tender again
Ukraine increased grain exports in 2019/20 season
Turkey increased Russian sunflower seeds purchases almost tenfold
Ukraine reduced linseed exports in MY 2018/19 almost by half
Ukraine. Crop condition conditions in late September
Romanian farmers actually completed harvest corn and sunflower
Ukraine. Planting of winter grains slowed down behind last year
Ukraine. 2018/19 wheat and barley season results
Russia. Sunseed crop exceeding the most optimistic forecasts
In a tender Egypt purchased wheat not from the Black Sea region
Russia: output of grain products
Russia. VAT on palm oil doubled from October 1
Ukraine. Vegetable oils production closed the season at record highs
Ukraine decreased palm oil imports for the first time in four seasons
Ukraine. Some 50% of areas were still exposed to drought
Flour exports from Russia in July-August was the highest since 2015/16
Ukraine sold to foreign markets more than 9 MMT of wheat
Egypt issued a tender to buy milling wheat
Ukraine will retain its position in the market of sunflower seed and its products in MY 2019/20
Kazakhstan. Rapeseed still not the top priority crop for growers
Wheat prices in Egypt increased
Romania. Pace of barley exports exceeds the previous two seasons
China for the first time became the biggest importer of Ukrainian rape oil
USDA: forecast for the Black Sea oilseed crop cut by 1 MMT
USDA slightly adjusted its estimates for the Black Sea region
Grain export forecast for Kazakhstan reduced
Ukraine. Precipitation replenished soil moisture under winter crops
Egypt issued a tender to buy milling wheat with delivery on November 21 - 30, 2019
A near-record corn crop expected in Russia
Wheat prices in Egypt up 4%
Ukraine. Corn harvest accelerated to 9% ahead of last year
Egypt issued a tender to purchase vegetable oils with delivery on December 5 - 12, 2019
Ukraine shipped abroad more than 16 MMT of grain
Ukraine. Precipitation replenished moisture supply in the soil
Oilseed stocks in Kazakhstan up 5% on the year
Weather leaves Romanian farmers without rapeseed
Egypt purchased 77.5 KMT of vegoils through tender
Russian soybean market: the new season hitting new highs
Ukraine shipped abroad 4 MMT of wheat more than a year ago
Egypt purchased 235 KMT of wheat on a tender
Ukraine. The area planted to winter rape is already above the official forecast
UAE became the largest importer of Ukrainian flour in the 2019/20 season
Ukraine. Autumn growth of winter grains is noticeably slower and slacker than in 2018
Egypt issued a tender to buy milling wheat with delivery on December 15 - 25, 2019
Ukraine to keep promoting its refined sunflower oil on world markets
Romania may export record volume of corn
Kazakhstan opening the Chinese linseed market
Kazakhstan may become an importer of milling wheat
Ukrainian corn exports hit a record high
Ukraine. Sunflower yield is 9% higher than in 2018
Ukraine. October 2019/20 will be remembered for record high corn exports
USDA lifted its forecast for Black Sea grain production and exports
USDA: forecast for the Black Sea oilseed crop raised by 0.3 MMT at the expense of Ukraine
Egypt bought in a tender the largest consignment of Black Sea wheat this season
Soybean oil exports from Ukraine hit a new high
Ukraine. Planting campaign is at the final stage
Ukraine. Abundant heat contribute to further growth of winter crops
Ukrainian exporters considerably increased wheat shipments in the season of 2019/20
Russian production of mayonnaise and mayonnaise sources to continue growing
Ukrainian barley made a good start in the Chinese market in the new season
Russia: another increase in the sunflower seed crop forecast – is this the ceiling?
Romania. Soil drought still persists due to high air temperatures
Russia still the top supplier of sunflower oil to Turkey
Ukrainian farmers completed planting of winter grains
Ukraine – Russia: toughening competition in the sunflower oil market
Romania. Wheat export pace is slower than last season
Turkey actively purchasing feed grains this season
Ukraine. Production of groats increased considerably
China approved rape meal exports from Ukraine
Egypt issued a tender to buy milling wheat with delivery on January 21 - 31, 2020
Russian wheat won Egypt's tender
Ukraine slipped down the ranking of global pea producers
Bulgarian sunflower seed and oil gaining popularity outside the EU
Indonesia increasing palm oil supplies to Ukraine
Ukraine exported a record volume of corn starch
Egypt issued a tender to purchase vegetable oils with delivery on January 20 – February 5, 2020
Egypt issued a tender to buy milling wheat for delivery on February 5 - 15, 2020
China to compete with the EU in the Ukrainian rape meal market
Egypt purchased in a tender Black Sea and French wheat
USDA raised its forecast for Russian wheat production and exports
Roughly 2.6 MMT of compound feeds were produced in Russia in October
Egypt cancelled its vegoil purchase tender for purchase of 40 KMT of vegetable oil
Ukraine. New technology will allow substituting GM-soybeans in feeds with sunflower concentrate
Sergey Feofilov commenting the results of the past agricultural year in Ukraine and expectations for the upcoming year 2020
President of Ukraine calling to abolish “soybean amendments”
Ukraine delivered to foreign markets 14.3 MMT of wheat
Egypt postponed its vegoil purchase tender
Egypt issued a tender to buy milling wheat for delivery on February 18 - 29, 2020
Egypt purchased in a tender Black Sea wheat
Ukraine sold to foreign markets 31 MMT of grain
USDA: forecast for the Black Sea sunflower seed crop raised by 800 KMT
USDA reduced its wheat production forecast for Russia
Egypt issued a tender to purchase vegetable oils with delivery on February 25 – March 10, 2020
Egypt issued a tender to buy milling wheat
Tender in Egypt: wheat prices grew again
Ukraine. Growth in winter crops stopped early in January
2019 год стал вторым самым жарким годом на планете
Soybean-rapeseed amendments in Ukraine abolished
Egypt issued a tender to purchase vegetable oils with delivery on March 3-7, 2020
Ukraine. Winter grains are in good and fair condition
Ukraine exported 16 MMT of wheat
Egypt may admit Indian wheat to purchase tenders
Egypt purchased more than 100 KMT of vegoils through tender
Ukraine. Abnormally warm weather with a precipitation deficit still persists
Ukraine sold to foreign markets 35 MMT of grain
Bulgaria reinforcing its position as a sunseed exporter and crusher
Kazakhstan. Sunflower oil refining plummeted almost by half
Egypt allocated USD 1.5 Bl for grain purchases
Egypt issued a tender to buy milling wheat
Egypt purchased wheat from France in a tender
В Украине объявлено штормовое предупреждение на 5-7 февраля
Ukraine. Soil moisture content in winter crop fields increased
Egypt issued a tender to buy milling wheat with delivery on March 21 - 31, 2020
Rapeseed exports in the 2020’s depend on a cut in greenhouse gas emission
Cheaper Black Sea wheat purchased in Egyptian tender
USDA lifted its forecast for Black Sea grain exports by 1.3 MMT
Ukraine remains at risk of spring drought
In 2020, the EU will adopt a Green Pact for Europe
USDA: forecast for the Black Sea oilseed crop raised by 0.4 MMT
Ukraine exported 38 MMT of grain
Egypt reinstated inspections of purchased grain at port-of-loading
Ukraine: linseed exporters leave no chance for crushers
Already low flour exports from Kazakhstan fell still more
Ukraine delivered to foreign markets 39 MMT of grain
Ukraine. Oilseeds stocks, February 1, 2020
Ukraine. Grain stocks as of February 1, 2020
Ukraine. Linseed export potential limited due to a crop decline
Bulgaria. Rainfall played a decisive role in overcoming the topsoil moisture deficit
Egypt purchased 120 KMT of vegoils through tender
Ukraine. Crop condition is good to fair
Romania. Recent cold spell did not damage plants substantially
Indonesia enhanced its position in the Ukrainian palm oil market
Russia. Imposition of export duty on sunflower seed remains an open question
Kazakhstan to sow more than 3 Ml ha of oilseeds in 2020
Egypt issued a tender to purchase vegetable oils with delivery on May 1-20, 2020
Ukraine exported 41 MMT of grain
Ukraine. Sunflower oil refining gained 38%
Ukraine. Crop condition in winter grains is good and fair
Egypt purchased 76 KMT of vegoils through tender
Ukraine. Farmers in some regions started planting early spring crops
Argentina may near Black Sea leaders of the sunflower oil market
Sunflower oil exports from Ukraine to the EU are at risk
Egypt issued a tender to purchase vegetable oils with delivery on May 20 - June 10, 2020
Sergey Feofilov: Prospects for Black Sea grain crop are rather optimistic
Egypt purchased 76 KMT of vegoils through tender
Turkey will not reduce its sunseed import duty to zero
Sergey Feofilov: the recovery of demand stimulates price growth in the wheat market
Ukraine: rapeseed price forecast in view of keen competition between conventional fuels and biodiesel
Early spring arrival leads to earlier planting and harvesting this year
Black Sea countries: Food exports exposed to the risk of stoppage
Risks posed by the crude oil price decline: threats to Ukrainian corn
Sergey Feofilov: Comments on spring planting and price expectations
Egypt issued a tender to purchase vegetable oils from the domestic market
Fertilization of winter rape in Belarus is half complete
Egypt bought 18 KMT of soybean oil in a tender from the domestic market
UkrAgroConsult revising its export estimates due to the latest events
Ukraine’s fat-and-oil industry: a positive among negatives
Romania. Wheat exports to Egypt 9% higher than last year
Ukraine. More than 1.3 Ml ha planted to spring crops
Singapore occupied 8% of the Ukrainian palm oil market
Egypt announced a tender for the purchase of wheat with delivery from 15 to 25 May and from 26 May to 5 June 2020
Egypt purchased Russian wheat in a tender with delivery from 15 to 25 May and from 26 May to 5 June 2020
Ukrainian barley: potential and risks in the 2020/21 season
What is the chance for soybeans to remain attractive to Ukrainian farmers in the new season? Make bets, gentlemen!
Ukraine. Spring wheat and barley planting lags behind last year
Will US farmers prefer to decrease corn area in favor of soybeans?
Ukraine. Government prepared to ban wheat exports if they exceed the amount set under the Memorandum
Bulgaria is completing sunflower planting
China almost doubled sunflower meal imports from Ukraine
Egypt issued a wheat purchase tender – already the second one this week
Egypt bought Russian and France wheat in tender
EU may give up on buying new-crop grains from Ukraine
Ukraine exported 49 MMT of grain
Kazakhstan permitted exports of unrefined sunflower oil, but on a limited basis
Ukraine. The spring drought continues and intensifies
UkrAgroConsult: Grain and oilseed crop forecasts, 2020
Ukraine. Corn stocks decreased by 24%
Обильные дожди в первых числах мая в Украине будут благоприятными для развития озимых и яровых культур
Ukraine. Winter and spring grains are in fair condition
Ukraine. Seasonal production of sunflower and rapeseed oils remains at a record level
В Южном и Северо-Кавказском округах России развитие сельхозкультур отстает от нормы
Egypt issued a tender to purchase vegetable oils with delivery from 10 to 30 July 2020
Ukraine. Precipitation improved moisture situation in the winter grains fields
Укргидрометцентр: в Николаевской, Херсонской, Запорожской областях ситуация с урожаем озимых приближается к критической
С 4 по 8 мая на всей территории Украины прогнозируются дожди
Ukraine. Corn and sunflower planting progress is ahead of 2019
Belarus planning to harvest at least as much rapeseed in 2020 as last year
Russia: Oilseeds crop forecast, 2020
The EU doubled purchases of Ukrainian sunflower oil
Kazakhstan. Recent precipitation hindered the completion of spring fieldwork
Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center: May rains will improve crop outlook
В апреле в Украине преобладали неблагоприятные погодные условия для роста и развития сельхозкультур
In tender on May 6, 2020, Egypt only purchased soybean oil
Review of April 2020 weather in Ukraine
Прогноз погоды 11-17 мая: прохладно и дожди
Ukraine. Planting of early grains is drawing to an end
Из-за засухи на юге пострадали 234 тыс. гектаров посевов
Sunseed export restrictions will prevent Kazakhstan from setting a new record
USDA published its forecasts for 2020/21 season
Turkey and Egypt are to buy record volume of Romanian corn this season
Укргидрометцентр: в первой декаде мая дожди улучшили состояние озимых и яровых культур
USDA: Forecast for the Black Sea oilseed crop in MY 2020/21 above expectations
Гидрометцентр России: урожай зерна 2020 с учетом погодных условий будет на уровне или выше последних 5 лет
Из-за неблагоприятных погодных условий потери урожая сельхозкультур в Украине составляют 357,8 тыс. га
Осадки в южных регионах России не улучшили состояние озимых культур
Прогноз погоды на 18-24 мая
Ukraine. Winter and spring crops are in good and fair condition
Russia increased sunflower oil production by 23%
The Egypt’s share in Ukrainian wheat exports increased to 19%
Ukraine. Sunflower planting 91% complete
Kazakhstan will not avoid a record oilseed crop
Rapid growth in containerization of sunflower oil exports
Romanian wheat exports reached all-time high in April
Kazakhstan. Unrefined sunflower oil production grew by 31%
Ban on sunseed and soybean exports outside the EEU may be extended until the new season
Заморозки с 21 по 23 мая не нанесут вреда озимым и яровым культурам
Ukraine. Grain and oilseeds stocks as of May 1, 2020
Рейтинг областей с наибольшим и наименьшим количеством осадков за 2019 г.
Прогноз погоды на 25-31 мая: дожди и до 27°С тепла
Укргидрометцентр: запасы влаги под озимыми и яровыми культурами оптимальные
Ukraine. Soil moisture content remains poor in the south
Russia. Apart from grains, rail transport subsidies extended to new commodities
Засушливое лето 2020 г. в Украине и Европе несет угрозу для сельхозкультур
Осадки во второй декаде мая были благоприятными для развития озимых и ранних яровых зерновых культур
Убытки сельхозпроизводителей в 2020 году оцениваются более чем в 15 млрд гривен
Black Sea region: Sharpening competition in the sunflower oil market
Romania. Barley exports reached record in April
Ukraine. Corn planting 98% complete
Прогноз погоды на 1-8 мая: дождливо и повышение температуры
Укргидрометцентр: запасы влаги в пахотном и метровом слоях почвы оптимальные
Отсутствие продуктивных осадков апреле и мае может повлиять на урожайность и урожай зерновых
В конце мая состояние озимых зерновых было преимущественно хорошее
В третьей декаде мая осадки и влажность почвы превысили показатели 2019 г.
Weather forecast for 12-14 June: sunny and brief precipitation
Ukraine. Cool weather was favorable for growing winter and early spring grains
Another wheat purchase tender to be held by GASC today
Ukraine. A new grain terminal to be built in the port of Chornomorsk
Ukraine: winter rape giving a chance to oil flax
Rains improve prospects of Romanian corn crop
GASC gave its preference to Russian wheat
Ukraine: the condition of spring grain crops in most regions has improved significantly
Ukrainian bran deliveries to the EU down 26%
In the first ten days of June, soil moisture reserves were sufficient
С 15 по 21 июня ожидаются дожди с грозами и умеренное тепло
Spring planting in Kazakhstan is complete
EAUU countries resumed soybean exports from June 13
USDA: Forecast for the Black Sea 2020/21 oilseed crop raised slightly
Egypt issued a tender to purchase vegetable oils with delivery on August 20 – September 5, 2020
Погодный фактор негативно сказывается на урожайности озимых культур в южных областях
Egypt issued a wheat purchase tender for delivery on July 25 – August 5, 2020
Belarus. Meal exchange trade up 22%
Russia: soybean production will remain on the rise
Egypt purchased in a tender Black Sea wheat
Rapeseed harvest started in Ukraine
Прогноз погоды на 22-28 июня: дожди могут замедлить полевые работы
Egypt bought 59 KMT of soybean oil in a tender from the domestic market
Ukraine: high-oleic market segment ahead of the new season
Russia may change the sunflower seed export regime
Record season for Ukrainian wheat is drawing to a close
Black Sea barley might see strong competition from Australia in the upcoming season
Ukraine. Corn stocks dropped almost by 30%
Russia exported more than 1.1 MMT of sunflower seed
Ukraine. Allseeds’ terminal passed ISO recertification
Kazakhstan continues to increase vegetable oils production
Ukraine. Production of groats grew 12% y/y in July-May
Ukraine. Soybean meal exports in May hit a season low
Ukraine. Rapeseed oil production grew by 27%
В Украине собраны первые 100 тысяч тонн зерна
Прогноз погоды в Украине на 29 июня – 5 июля: жарко и грозовые дожди
Урожайность зерновых в России на 25% ниже, чем в 2019 г. – Минсельхоз
Ukraine: a new season & a new grain Memorandum
Ukraine. Spring crops are largely in good condition
Poland “tasting” Russian soybeans
Weather in the third decade of June: over-watering in the West and drought in the South West
Bulgaria. Rain on the first days of July slowed harvest of winter wheat
Russian Hydrometeorological Centre: grain harvest expected to be above five-year average
Weather forecast for 6-12 July: cooling and rains
In the western oblasts grain ripening of early ear crops took place under unfavourable conditions
Ukraine. Soil moisture and warm weather created favorable conditions for crop yield formation
Ukraine. Grain memorandum signed
Egypt issued a tender to purchase vegetable oils with delivery on September 1-20, 2020
Sunflower seed exports in Russia will be under control from July 1
China purchased a record-high volume of Ukrainian soybean oil
Egypt issued a wheat purchase tender or delivery on August 8 – 18, 2020
В Беларуси началась уборка рапса
Ukrainian flour exports to Indonesia increased manifold
Ukraine. Harvesting progress behind last year
Russia increased sunflower oil production by 23%
Romania remains the second largest soft wheat exporter to non-EU destinations
Egypt opted for cheaper Russian wheat
Consequences of trade war between China and Canada. Who is to benefit?
Russia. Stavropol region heading to increasing oilseed production
Weather forecast for 13-19 July: cooling and rains
Egypt issued a wheat purchase tender with delivery on August 16 – 26, 2020
Sunflower seed exports from Ukraine fell almost by half
USA: soybean crush hits a new record for the month despite rising soybean prices
Domestic wheat prices rallying on weak harvesting progress
Укргидрометцентр: повышенная влажность почвы и воздуха может снизить урожай зерновых
Kazakhstan. Linseed exports fell for the first time since MY 2014/15
Прогноз погоды на 20-26 июля: понижение температуры и дожди
Egypt issued a wheat purchase tender
Ukraine. LLC OptimusAgro Trade switching to multi-processing of oilseeds
First cargo of new-crop rapeseed shipped by the Dnipro River to the port of Odesa
Russia to build a large plant for producing oilseeds for planting
Ukraine. LLC AGREX extending the range of its products
Russian oilseed growers will be compensated for part of production costs
Kernel processed a record volume of oilseeds in FY 2020
Russia. Oleochemics to take up rapeseed growing and processing in Bashkortostan
Австралия. Настроение зернотрейдеров улучшается
DSM and Avril establishing a joint venture for producing rapeseed protein
Rusagro reconstructing Atkarsky oil extraction plant into a major mayonnaise producer
Weather forecast for 27 July - 2 August: heat wave will be replaced by slight cooling
Egypt issued a wheat purchase tender with delivery on September 01 – 10, 2020
Ukraine. Hot and wet weather promotes large-scale development of weeds and diseases
Ukraine. Rail grain shipments in June dropped by half
Russian oilseed growers will be compensated for part of production costs
Company M. Dias Branco acquired 70 KMT of Russian wheat
Russia reduced rapeseed exports in favor of domestic crush
Record season for Ukrainian wheat is over
Belarus remains dependent on key Black Sea oilseed producers
Romania. Rains promote the formation of high corn and sunflower yields
Ukraine. Linseed exports lowest in six seasons
Прогноз погоды на 3-9 июля: жарко и преимущественно без осадков
Egypt issued a wheat purchase tender for delivery on September 11 – 20 and September 21 - 30, 2020
Ukrhydrometcentre: conditions for sowing winter crops unfavourable in central regions
Ukraine decreased flour production by 6%
Ukraine. Hot weather and precipitation deficit in early August may result in cutting late spring crop forecasts
Ukraine. Refined sunoil production rose by 41% in June
Ukraine. Wheat yield is 5% lower than in 2019
Прогноз погоды на 10-16 августа: дожди и «температурные качели»
Ukraine. Grain memorandum going to be signed
Egypt purchased soybean oil through tender
Ukraine. Persisting drought in the southern and southeastern regions may adversely affect corn and sunflower
Egypt issued a wheat purchase tender
Уровень увлажнения почвы в первой декаде августа самый низкий в 2020 году
Прогноз погоды на 17-23 августа: возвращение жары и грозовые дожди на Западе
Ukraine. Grain Memorandum signed
Russia. A new oil extraction plant to be built in Novosibirsk region
Russia. A new plant in Novocherkassk to begin processing oil-refining wastes
Russia. Crushing capacity of Kazan oil extractor increased to 1 MMT
Kernel calculated investment into the construction of Starokostyantyniv oil extractor
Weather conditions were unfavourable for the development of late crops
Ukrhydrometcentre: until 2040, the risks of growing winter wheat in Ukraine will be the lowest
Another wheat purchase tender to be held by GASC today
Прогноз погоды на 24-30 августа: жарко, дожди в западных и северных областях
The text will be available soon
Russia. LLC IPP increasing vegoil handling capacities
Прогноз погоды на 31 августа – 6 сентября:
Russia. Agrocomplex crusher to reach its full capacity
Russia. Sunseed processing capacities in Stavropol region are on the rise
Weather forecast for 7-13 September: short-term precipitation and cold weather
Из-за отсутствия влаги в верхних слоях почвы сев озимых культур следует проводить позже – НААН
Ukraine. Glencore acquired Everi terminal in Mykolaiv port
Weather forecast for 14-20 September: sharp cooling and insignificant precipitation
Another wheat purchase tender to be held by GASC today
Ukrhydrometcentre: the country has the worst conditions for sowing winter crops in 10 years
Ukrhydrometcentre: soil frosts may complicate the autumn sowing season
Укргидрометцентр: уплотнение пахотного слоя почвы из-за дефицита влаги затрудняет сев озимых культур
Прогноз погоды на 21-27 сентября: тепло и дожди в конце недели
Egypt has announced tender for the purchase of wheat with delivery on November 21 - 30, 2020
Weather forecast for 28 September-4 October: rains and lower temperatures
Погодный фактор негативно повлиял на сроки сева озимых культур в Украине
Ukraine. Grain rail shipments in August increased 2.3 times
Ukraine. Construction of Kernel’s new grain terminal to be finished by the year-end
Cargill Inc expanded its soy crushing capacity in China
Kernel’s credit rating outlook is stable
Chenese soybean oil brand named after Amur feedstock
Omsk region started shipping linseed to China by container trains
Прогноз погоды на 5-11 октября: тепло и дожди
Укргидрометцентр: на большей части территории страны прекратилась почвенная засуха
Bunge used river shipping to export its product to the U.S.
EFKO Group stepping up flexi-train shipments of vegetable oils
Прогноз погоды на 12-18 октября: дожди и резкое снижение температуры
Ukraine. Grain cargoes showed the greatest decrease in river shipments
Ukraine. Purchase of freight railcars to be partially compensated
RISOIL S.A. set a daily vegoil loading record
Kernel’s credit rating. Stable outlook
Moldova’s Trans-Oil Group may buy a Serbian oil plant
Russia. OryolMaslo built a new oilseed crushing facility
Ascet Shipping preparing for meal handling
Прогноз погоды на 19-25 октября: снижение температуры и незначительные осадки
Astarta reduced soybean product sales
Russia. An agrobioeconomic cluster to be set up in Primorye region
Ukraine. September witnessed a 25% drop in grain shipments by rail
Russia. Russian Railways transported a record 3.8 MMt of grain in September
Egypt has announced tender for the purchase of wheat with delivery on December 1-10 and December 11 - 20, 2020
Прогноз погоды на 26 октября-1 ноября: солнечно и сухо
Прогноз погоды на 2-8 ноября: дожди и похолодание
Ukroliya. First cargo of organic sunflower oil shipped to China
Ukraine. LLC AGREX to take on production of granulated husks
Allseeds raised major foreign investment
Прогноз погоды на 9-15 ноября: без осадков и первые морозы
Russia. Rostov region Largest oil extraction plant in sold at auction
Russia. Blago Group widening the range of export destinations for sunflower meal
Укргидрометцентр: Украину ждет теплая зима
В Украине на полях образовался снежный покров
Прогноз погоды на 16-22 ноября: понижение температуры и снег
Russia. AGRITECH to upgrade its production equipment
EFKO Group got a 2-year revolving credit facility with Alfa-Bank
LLC Delta Wilmar Ukraine expanding its operations
Bunge to sell its Rotterdam-based fat-and-oil facility to Neste
Russia. Sodrugestvo Group stepping up meal exports
Прогноз погоды на 23-29 ноября: кратковременные осадки и потепление
Kernel upgrading laboratories of its oil extractors
Russia. Tambov-based EcoOil Holding is not ready to rest on its laurels
Kazakhstan. A new oil extraction plant to be built in Akmola region by the year end
Укргидрометцентр: во 2 декаде ноября погодные условия для сельхозкультур были удовлетворительными
Ukraine. Grain handling cost in ports may fall by half
Ukraine. Nibulon increasing capacity of its river terminal
Weather forecast for 30 November - 6 December: snow, frost and gusty winds
Украина: в третьей декаде ноября запасы влаги в почве были недостаточными
Egypt has announced tender for the purchase of wheat
COFCO to step up vegoil imports to China
Russia. Kursky oil extraction plant to be launched in September 2021
Russia. Blago Group entering Israel to export packaged rapeseed oil
Теплая погода откладывает переход озимых зерновых в состояние покоя
Ukraine. Navigation along the Dnipro River prolonged until the end of December
Ukraine. Grain rail transportation in October increased by one-third
Ukraine. Ukrzaliznytsia approved an agreement to admit private locomotives
Укргидрометцентр: температура в декабре будет выше средних многолетних значений
Прогноз погоды на 7-13 декабря: морозы и снег с дождем
East Kazakhstan increasing oilseed crushing capacity
Russia. A new oil extraction plant to be built in Oryol region using a new investment regime
Укргидрометцентр: текущие погодные условия не нанесут вреда озимым культурам
Прогноз погоды на 14-20 декабря: пасмурно и обильные осадки на Севере и в Центре
Russia. A new oil extraction plant to be built in Saratov region
Прогноз погоды на 21-27 декабря: осадки и «температурные качели»
Russia. An oil extraction plant to be built in Nizhny Novgorod region
Weather conditions will worsen in the coming days
Прогноз погоды на 28 декабря-3 января: Новый год будет по весеннему теплым
Какой будет температура на планете в 2021 году?
A large oil extraction plant being constructed in Kazakhstan
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Прогноз погоды на 11-17 января: приближаются сильные морозы
Ukrhydrometcentre: no threatening weather phenomena forecast for winter crops
Moldovan sunflower oil producer to build a third oil extractor in the new year
Russia. Ecooil starts another stage of expanding its production facilities
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Russia to extend the abolition of GM-soybean registration
Russia. Is the imposition of a sunflower oil duty delayed?
Ukrainian oil extractors calling for sunseed export restrictions
Swiss company to invest in processing Ukrainian raw materials
Discussion on tariff regulation of Russian grain exports drawing to a close
Ukraine. Winter crops may get damaged in areas with insufficient snow cover
Ukrainian corn price hitting new highs
Ukrainian soybean price still on the rise thanks to South America
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Kazakhstan may restrict sunseed exports
Kernel set a record in quarterly oilseed crush
Russian oil extractor to ship rape oil in flexitanks to China
Ukraine. Economy Ministry agreed with exporters on the volume of corn exports in 2020/21 MY
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The text is available in the original language only
The text is available in the original language only
Russia. Far East opposing raising the soybean export tariff
Egypt issued a tender to purchase vegetable oils
Kazakhstan will not impose a sunseed duty, but sunoil prices will be under control
Russia. Sunseed growers in Stavropol region can reckon on state support this year
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Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange successfully started trading rape oil for export to China
Russia facilitating domestic soybean transportation amid imposed export tax
India set to reduce dependence on imported vegetable oils
Russia. Efko broke its own product export record
Rusagro begins sunflower oil deliveries to China’s retail market
India raised import tax on crude palm oil
Ukraine. In January 2021, seaports slashed grain shipments by 42%
Russia. Bunge may sell its grain terminal in Rostov
Ukraine. Nibulon increased river goods transportation by 9% in 2020
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The text is available in the original language only
The text is available in the original language only
Ukraine. Grain Alliance bought grain railcars
Kazakhstan. KTZ to construct a grain terminal in the port of Kuryk
Ukraine. Grain carrier became the second participant of a private-traction pilot project
Agrarian Economics Institute of Ukraine reporting expected agricultural production profitability in 2020
Belarus stepping up agricultural exports
Requirements for the palm oil use for food purposes within the EAEU to be tightened
Food Contract Corporation of Kazakhstan starting forward purchases of grains and oilseeds
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The text is available in the original language only
The text will be available soon
Russia to increase subsidization of oilseed production for export
Ukraine. Bunge launching the construction of a vegoil storage facility in Mykolaiv
Russia. TransContainer expanding the range of cargoes transported in flexitanks
Russia. A seed and food soybean plant to start operating in Amur region
President of Ukraine signed a law reducing VAT on agricultural products
Rush in the Black Sea freight market reaching its peak
Ukraine. Just 2.3 MMT of grain transported by rail in January
Ukraine. New grain silos and an oil extractor to be constructed in Sumy region
Ukraine. Grain stocks as of January 1, 2021
Ukraine. Just 2.3 MMT of grain transported by rail in January
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President of Ukraine signed a law reducing VAT on agricultural products
India expects a 14% rise in rapeseed production
Ukraine received USD 1.8 Bl from oilseed exports
Kazakhstan stimulating oilseed production
Russia. Soybean oil production resumed in Primorye
Ukraine. Grain terminal construction in Mariupol port drawing to a close
Russia. First grain consignment dispatched by rail from Siberia to Turkey
Ukraine. Epicentr set to expand its silo capacity almost one and a half times
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EU is Ukraine’s strategic trade partner
Flour exports from Ukraine keep falling
Kazakhstan to adjust its cropping pattern
Russia. First grain consignment dispatched by rail from Siberia to Turkey
Ukraine. Ranking of VAT refund recipients in February 2021
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Belarus set to increase agricultural production in 2021
Russia. Sodruzhestvo Group completing the construction of a facility for advanced oilseed processing
Bunge completed the sale of a fat-and-oil plant in the Netherlands
Ukraine. A new grain terminal in Mykolaiv will handle 0.5 MMT a season
Ukraine. Small processing companies will actively expand storage capacities
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The text is available in the original language only
Kazakhstan going the way of government regulation in the sunflower oil market
Belarus announced state-contract price of 2021-crop rapeseed
Russia. Efko invested RUB 4 Bl in re-equipping production of special fats
Ukraine. Grain shipments along the Dnieper River on the rise again
Ukraine. Ukrainian Railways told about freight transportation problems
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Economy Ministry may freeze retail prices of sunflower oil, bread, and flour
Kyrgyzstan temporarily banned the export of edible oil and sugar
Russia may raise the tariff on oilseeds to 50%
Russia looking for optimal sunoil market regulation methods
COCERAL forecasts oilseed production growth in the EU
Ukraine’s Parliament registered a draft law toughening requirements to some foods
Fat-and-oil export revenues in H1 2020/21 up 33%
Ukraine. Linseed instead of sunseed: experience of Mykolaiv growers
Ukraine. Kherson and Olvia seaports to be transferred to concessioners by the end of 2021
Ukraine. Nibulon planning to increase river shipping to 4.5 MMT
Ukraine. Precipitation of various intensities occurred all over the country
Ukraine. Export share of feed wheat down in MY 2020/21
Ukraine. New season’s supply and demand balance of soybeans will be less tight
Ukraine. Barley stocks decreased 48% year-on-year
China is no longer the biggest importer of rapeseed oil from Ukraine
Georgia and the EU stepped up purchases of Russian corn in January
Ukraine. Sunflower stocks were down 31% year-on-year
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Russia pulling back the shroud of uncertainty from the new oilseed season
96% of February barley exports from Ukraine were absorbed by China
Ukraine. Planting of early spring crops started somewhat later than in 2020
Ukraine. Soybean meal exports down 37% y-o-y
Falling demand for Ukrainian old-crop grains
Turkey stimulating import of oilseed complex products
Belarus: China became one of the top three rape-oil trade leaders on the Belarusian Exchange
Russia. Primorye region to continue expanding soybean acreage
Ukraine harvested 12 KMT of linseed in 2020
Egypt has announced tender for the purchase of new crop wheat with delivery on August 1 - 10, 2021
Ukraine. Linseed planted area shrinking for a fourth year
China stopped flour purchases from Kazakhstan in January
Ukraine. Rapeseed exports at a three-season low
Russia extended sunoil price regulation until October
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Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine expanded the list of Russian goods banned for import
Russia extended sunoil price regulation until October
WHO calling for rejection of palm oil
Ukraine switching to the EU standards for chlorpyrifos and chlorpyrifos-methyl content
Kazakhstan to launch a new oil extraction plant this year
Russia to spend RUB 9 Bl on stabilizing sugar and sunflower oil prices
Egypt purchased Ukrainian and Russian wheat
Ukraine increased palm oil imports
China reduced Russian soybean oil purchases
Ukrainian corn exports gradually recovering
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Russia to spend RUB 9 Bl on stabilizing sugar and sunflower oil prices
Oliyar bringing vegetable oil refining to a new level
Russia to spend RUB 9 Bl on stabilizing sugar and sunflower oil prices
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Verkhovna Rada passed a law on financing the Agrarian Policy Ministry
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Libya prepared to step up sunflower oil imports from Ukraine
Russia. Sodruzhestvo to boost investment into its new oil extractor to RUB 28 Bl
Russia. Soybean crushing capacities in Saratov region to be expanded
Russia. A new soybean crusher to be build in Amur region
Ukraine called on Russia not to close Kerch for navigation
Ukraine. UMG Investments planning to build a grain terminal
Ukraine. Grain shipping along the Dnipro in Q1 increased by one-third
Ukraine. Epicenter Agro invested USD 70 Ml into its development in 2020
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Libya prepared to step up sunflower oil imports from Ukraine
Russian-Belgian enterprise launching the first stage of the biggest linseed crusher
Egypt is the top consumer of Ukrainian wheat at the moment
Ukraine. Grain shipping along the Dnipro in Q1 increased by one-third
Russian corn shipments to the EU increasing from month to month
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Ukraine may introduce a quota for sunflower seed exports
Kazakhstan to continue increasing oilseed production
Russian-Belgian enterprise launching the first stage of the biggest linseed crusher
Kerch Strait will remain open for passage of merchant vessels
Ukraine. Risoil started implementing a project for the construction of a two-way pier in Chornomorsk
Russia to extend soybean export tariff but with a lower rate
Uzbekistan taking measures to curb a rise in domestic prices
Canada to witness an increase in rapeseed crushing capacities
Kernel increased oilseeds crush
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The text is available in the original language only
Egypt issued a tender in May for the purchase of vegetable oils
Ukraine. Cool weather somewhat slowed growth of winter and early spring crops
Ukraine increasingly needs to step up rye exports
Ukraine. Supply and demand balances for oilseeds and oilseed products
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Europe limiting trans fat content
Agrarian Economics Institute released an oilseed production forecast for 2021
Ukraine reduced margarine exports
Kernel preparing to launch the first stage of Starokostiantyniv oil extractor
ADM to invest in a new soybean processing plant in the U.S.
Russia. A soybean crushing facility to be constructed in Bashkortostan
Ukraine. Government increased compensation for the construction of grain storage and processing facilities
Ukraine. Ukrainian Railways to buy 130 electric freight locomotives from France’s Alstom
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Construction of a new soybean crushing plant announced in Ukraine
Canola entering the market of plant proteins
Upgrade of Tretyakovsky oil extractor in Voronezh region
Ukraine. Moderately warm and wet weather was favorable or growing spring grains
Egypt purchased Romanian wheat
Ukraine slightly increased wheat exports in April
Kazakhstan to retain its linseed market position in the new season
Chinese demand for feed crops to continue into next season exports
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The text is available in the original language only
India set to increase oilseeds production in 2021
Russia to reduce soybean export tariff
Another canola processing facility to be built in Canada
Allseeds for the first time imported canola from Australia
A new oil extractor launched in Eastern Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan will expand sunoil refining capacities
UkrOliya obtained a certificate of an organic feed materials supplier
Russia. RusAgro may build the first oil extractor in the Black Earth Zone
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The text is available in the original language only
EAEU countries to toughen requirements for the content of harmful substances in edible oils
Russia to allocate RUB 3.42 Bl for oilseeds production
Egypt raised price of subsidized vegetable oils
Ukraine. Demetra invested in oilseed processing
Russia. A mini-plant to add to rapeseed crushing capacities
Kernel is planning to develop cooperation with growers under the Open Agribusiness program
Russia. Miratorg launching the second stage of an oil extractor
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Egypt issued a tender to buy wheat with delivery on August 21 - 31, 2021
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Powerful cyclone approaches Ukraine: storm warning
Kazakhstan placing its stake on export of oilseeds and vegoils
Russia. A new oil extraction plant to be built in Rostov region
Russia. Efko may launch advanced processing of oilseeds in Samara region
Russia. Sodruzhestvo Group launching the construction of the second stage of an oilseed-processing cluster in Kursk region
Blago Group, TransContainer, and Europack dispatched the first joint flexi-train to China
Weather forecast for 21-27 June: up to +36°C and moderate precipitation
Weather forecast for 28 June - 4 July: heat will recede, precipitation will remain
Belarus may ban rapeseed exports
Russia. A rapeseed crushing plant launched in Bashkortostan
Russia. Ecooil to build a new elevator and an oilcake extractor
Ukraine. Ristone Oil plant to double its production capacity
A new oil extractor to add to Kazakhstan’s oilseed crushing capacities
Ukraine will again be flooded by heavy rains with hail: storm warning
Weather forecast for 5-11 July: return of heat and heavy precipitation
Ukraine: 2021 pea crop outlook improved in June
Ukraine. Tropical oils market: peculiarities and prospects
Ukraine. Sharp rise in air temperature accelerated development of winter crops
Ukraine’s Parliament restored a 20% VAT rate for some agricultural products
Russia. Stavropol region started harvesting winter rape
India reduced palm oil tariff
Ukraine. PAEK Group sowing sunflower after barley
Memorandum-2021/22 signed
Russia banned import of barley and palm oil from Ukraine
Russia banned import of barley and palm oil from Ukraine
Ukraine. Flour exports the lowest volume since 2011/12
Egypt purchased 240 KMT of milling wheat from the Black Sea region
Turkey imported 1.4 MMT of soybeans
Ukraine. Myronivsky Hliboproduct Holding entering the EU market with rapeseed and corn
Weather forecast for 12-18 July: heat up to +36°C and thunderstorm rains
Health Ministry of Ukraine advocating safe application of pesticides and agricultural chemicals
Turkey imported 1.4 MMT of soybeans
Ukraine. Sunflower seed growing in 2020 was more profitable than the year before
Ukraine. Myronivsky Hliboproduct Holding entering the EU market with rapeseed and corn
Kernel increased the cost of its investment project by 55%
Black Sea Region: USDA estimates gradually nearing market ones
Ukraine. Winter and spring crops are rated fair to good
USDA: estimate of the 2021 Black Sea oilseed crop raised at the expense of Ukraine and Russia
UkrAgroConsult raising its forecast for Ukraine’s harvest of early grains
World rapeseed prices are not in a hurry to ease, despite the positive global rapeseed crop outlook
Egypt issued a tender to buy wheat
Weather forecast for 19-25 July: lower temperatures and heavy precipitation
A storm warning has been announced in Ukraine
Ukraine. SFGCU granted benefits for storage of the new crop
Russia. NMGK Group launching a large investment project for oilseed crushing
Ukrainian organic soybeans exported to Germany
Weather forecast for July 26 - August 1: heat return and slight precipitation
Deterioration of weather conditions is expected in Ukraine
Russia to support oilseed growers with additional payments
Weather forecast for August 2-8: slightly cooling and rains
Law restoring 20% VAT for some agricultural commodities came into force
Russia may introduce sunoil price monitoring using exchange mechanisms
Russia. Novosibirsk region expanding crushing capacities
Ukraine: Law restoring 20% VAT for some agricultural commodities came into force
Significant deterioration of weather conditions is expected in Ukraine
Weather in August will support good prospects for corn and sunflower
Weather forecast for August 9-15: sunny weather and short-term precipitation
Egypt bought in a tender just 3 KMT of soybean oil from the domestic market
Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange set to increase Belarusian rapeseed oil deliveries to China
Russia. A large oil extractor to be constructed in Orenburg region. Whose project will be implemented?
Russia. An oil plant to be constructed in Kemerovo region
Ukraine. The weather was favorable for growing late crops
Belarus and Poland are the top buyers of Ukrainian soybean meal
Kazakhstan. Wheat exports the highest since 2011/12
UkrAgroConsult raising its forecast for Ukraine’s grain crop
Oilseed production in Russia heading towards a record high
Weather forecast for August 16-22: temperature swings and heavy rainfall
India planning to gain independence from imported vegetable oils
Russia determined the export duty rate on sunflower oil
Russia. Construction of NMGK Group’s oil extractor entered into the register of priority investment projects
USDA report on Ukraine’s grain crop turned out to be optimistic
Ukraine. Supply and demand balances of oilseeds and their derivatives (August 2021)
Weather forecast for August 30 - September 5: the end of summer will be rainy and cool
Sunoil sale contracts in Russia to be registered with exchange
Ukraine. Volyn began planting rapeseed for the 2022 crop
Russian farmers began harvesting late spring crops
Egypt bought in a tender just 10 KMT of sunflower oil from the international market
Russia. Rusagro Group to invest in assets in Saratov region
Russia. Investment into a soybean crushing facility in Bashkiria increased to RUB 300 Ml
Bulgaria: tight rapeseed supply and demand balance offset by a crop increase
2021 crop results in Ukraine may greatly differ from current forecasts
Sunoil sale contracts in Russia to be registered with exchange
EU, Egypt, Iran topped the list of buyers of Ukrainian corn in July
Kazakhstan introducing subsidies for oilseeds and buckwheat delivered for processing
Weather forecast for August 30-September 5: significant cooling and rain with thunderstorms
India cutting import duty on sunflower and soybean oils
India permitted the import of GM soybean meal
Kazakhstan to introduce restrictions on the export of sunflower seed and its products
ADM and Marathon Petroleum to take on production of renewable “soybean” diesel fuel
Ukraine. Mariupol port set to look for investors to build the second stage of a grain terminal
Ukraine. EvroVneshTorg to buy a grain handling terminal in Mykolaiv
Kazakhstan and Russia set up a specialized railway service for transporting agricultural products
Weather forecast for September 6-12: "Indian summer" and no precipitation
Russia increased export duty on sunflower oil
Far Eastern agricultural products to be sold via the Moscow Exchange
Kazakhstani oilseed processing companies disagree with the size of the sunoil export quota
Ukraine. Containerized sunflower meal to be shipped from Kherson port for the first time
Russia. First stage of an oil extractor in Kursk region to begin processing the 2021 crop late this year
Rusagro to supply sunflower oil to a Chinese retail network
Weather forecast for September 13-19: "temperature swing" and short-term precipitation
Russia started rapeseed sowing
Ukraine. A new terminal to be built in the port of Pivdenny
Russia. Mirotorg launched a new oilseed crushing plant
Russia. EFKO Group reporting on the season results
Ukraine. A new river elevator to be built on the Dnipro River
Ukraine. Grain transportation along the Dnipro River down 450 KMT from last year
A powerful cyclone with heavy rainfall will cover Ukraine
Ukraine. Grain transportation along the Dnipro River down from last year
Cargill to build a palm oil processing plant in Indonesia
Ukrainian rapeseed exports in the first two months of this season down 21% y-o-y
Iran outstripped China in wheat purchases from Kazakhstan
Weather forecast for September 20-26: rain and cold snap
Kazakhstan. A new oil extractor to be built in North Kazakhstan region
Ukraine. Astarta to take up advanced soybean processing
Delta Wilmar set to expand its oil bottling capacities
Cargill to build a palm oil processing plant in Indonesia
Egypt issued a tender for the purchase of vegetable oils with delivery on November 15 – December 15, 2021
Ukraine. Sufficient and optimal soil moisture
Delta Wilmar set to expand its oil bottling capacities
Export destinations for Ukrainian corn in MY 2021/22: what is to be expected?
World rapeseed price exceeded 20-year maximum
Egypt bought in a tender only 12 KMT of sunflower oil
Ukraine. Harvesting as of September 1, 2021
Ukraine. Astarta to take up advanced soybean processing
Ukrainian wheat exports entered a period of peak shipments
Start of the Russian barley export season
UkrAgroConsult forecast for the season 2021/22: record growth of foreign exchange earnings from agricultural exports
Weather forecast for September 27-October 3: dry and cool
Russia. A soybean crushing plant became a resident of Alga special economic zone in Bashkiria
Ukraine banned using palm oil in food products for infants
Russia. A new oilseed crushing plant to be constructed in Penza region
Weather forecast for October 4-10: dry and sunny weather, frost possible
Ukraine. Construction of a grain terminal in Mariupol port drawing to an end
Ukraine. Ukrainian Railways raised rates for cars and is set to increase its fleet of grain carriers
Memorandum may be signed today
Export duty on Russian sunflower oil to be cut to USD 194.5/MT from November
Ukraine. Vegoil stocks in ports
At the tender, Egypt purchased only soybean oil
Egypt announcing tender for the purchase of wheat second week straight
Weather forecast for October 11-17: rain and frost up to -2 ° С
Egypt issued a tender for the purchase of vegetable oils
In October, the USDA reduced its grain crop and export forecasts for the Black Sea region
USDA: oilseed crop estimate for the Black Sea region cut to 51.1 MMT
Flour production in Ukraine: is there light at the end of the tunnel?
Ukraine’s market of soybeans and soybean products: 2020/21 results and 2021/22 outlook
Egypt only bought soybean oil in a tender
Start to the new export season for Ukrainian corn
India slashing import duty on edible oils
Kazakhstan. Sunflower seed exports hit a five-year low
Ukraine. Oilseed stocks, October 1, 2021
Weather forecast for October 25-31: frost and no precipitation
Ukraine. Poor soil moisture could affect 2022 productivity of plants
Afghanistan topped the 2020/21 list of wheat importers from Kazakhstan
Russia. More than half linseed exports went to China
Egypt has announced tender for the purchase of wheat with delivery on December 1 – 10, 2021
Black Sea region: competition for the buyer in the sun oil market will continue in the new season
India slashing import duty on edible oils
RusAgro became the owner of Primorskaya Soya
Egypt bought 360 KMT of Black Sea wheat in a tender
Turkey cut sunflower oil import duty to zero
Russia. Plans to exempt GM soybeans from state registration until the end of 2022
Saudi Arabia slashed purchases of Russian barley
Weather forecast for November 1-7: warm and rainy
Egypt has announced tender for the purchase of wheat
Egypt issued a tender for the purchase of vegetable oils with delivery on December 25, 2021 – January 10, 2022
Russia. Amursky oil extraction plant to expand its production capacities
Egypt bought 180 KMT of Russian wheat in a tender
Ukraine. Development of winter crops lags more than a week behind usual
Russia: soybean supply and demand balance shifting in favor of domestic crush
Ukraine. Export season outlook for late pulses
Egypt bought only sunflower oil in a tender
In Kazakhstan, export quotas for sunflower seed and oil to be effective until July 2022
Peak season of Ukrainian barley exports came to a close
August wheat exports from Russia hit a record high
Ukraine. Kernel’s new oil extractor confirmed the quality of its products
Weather forecast for November 8-14: up to -5 ° С and sleet
Egypt issued a tender for the purchase of vegetable oils with delivery on January 5-25, 2022
Ukraine. The fall of 2021 turned out to be the driest in 20 years
China was the main buyer of Ukrainian corn starch in September
Ukraine coming back to the world rye market
Bulgaria heading for increasing domestic sunseed crush
Egypt cancelled a tender for the purchase of vegetable oil
USDA estimates for the Black Sea region came closer to market ones
USDA: oilseed crop estimate for the Black Sea region cut to 50.5 MMT
Ukraine. September soybean exports hit a decade low
Russian corn export results in MY 2020/21
Weather forecast for November 15-21: snowfalls and frosts
Egypt issued a tender for the purchase of vegetable oils with delivery on January 10-30, 2022
Ukraine. The fall growing conditions remain difficult for winter crops
Iran becoming a regular buyer of Kazakh wheat
Romania: production of winter crops looks more promising
Sharply increased price of grain and natural gas becomes a driver for growth in production costs in 2022
Egypt has announced tender for the purchase of wheat with delivery on January 1 - 15, 2022
Egypt bought 12 KMT of sunflower oil in an international tender
Egypt bought 60 KMT of Romanian wheat in a tender
Russia adjusting the mechanism of rail transportation subsidies for agricultural products taking into account current needs
Delta Wilmar Ukraine expanded its oil bottling capacities
Ukraine. Authorities made up a list of barley, corn and soybean exporters to China
Kazakhstan. Linseed export potential in the new season is limited by a crop decline
Weather forecast for November 22-28: showers with sleet and frost
Egypt issued a tender for the purchase of vegetable oils with delivery on January 15-31, 2022
Russia. Summaries of 2020/21 sunflower seed season and perspectives for the 2021/22 season
New crop begins to attract increasing attention
Ukraine. Active growth of winter grains even stopped
Saudi Arabia entered the top ten of the biggest importers of Ukrainian wheat
A slump in Kazakh flour shipments to Afghanistan
Kazakhstan stopped sunflower seed and oil exports
Russia. Soybean shipments will more than halve amid the current export tax
This season’s palm oil imports by Ukraine down 9%
Russia. September witnessed a slight decrease in wheat exports
Egypt bought 69 KMT of soybean oil in a tender
Weather forecast for November 29 - December 5: cold snap and significant precipitation
Egypt issued a tender to buy wheat
Egypt bought 600 KMT of wheat in a tender
Ukraine. Farmers have finished planting winter grains and harvesting grains and pulses
Corn yield in Ukraine turned out to be above expectations
Ukraine to expand winter rape plantings for the 2022 harvest
Russia reduced palm oil imports in September 2021/22
Ukraine. Sunflower oil production decreased compared to a year ago
Turkey’s share in Ukrainian barley keeps increasing
Russia. RUB 6.7 Bl to be invested in oilseed crushing facilities in Rostov region
Kazakhstan may impose duties on grain and oilseed exports
Ukraine. Output of grain products
Weather forecast for December 6-12: rain and sleet
Pea exports from Russia hit a record high
Ukraine to increase domestic consumption of sunflower meal
Ukraine. Precipitation received this past week replenished soil moisture
India to boost rapeseed and mustard production
Europe topped the list of importers of Ukrainian sunflower oil in the new season
December USDA forecast for Ukraine’s crop may remain neutral
Russia. Plantings for 2022 to exceed 81 Ml ha
Indonesia cut starch purchases from Ukraine
Russia. New marketing year started with a drop in sunflower oil exports
Russia exporting barley at a slow pace
Egypt issued a tender for the purchase of vegetable oils
Weather forecast for December 13-19: rain and sleet
Ukraine. Weather conditions were favorable for growth and development of winter crops
USDA experts raised their forecast for Black Sea grain crop and exports
USDA: oilseed crop estimate for the Black Sea region raised by 1.5 MMT
Feed wheat share in Ukrainian exports set to increase
Egypt bought 106 KMT of vegetable oils in a tender
The Ag Ministry of Russia and the Fat-and-Oil Union have different view on regulation of the sunflower oil market
Kazakhstan. Sunflower oil exports ahead of last year
China became the top buyer of Ukrainian corn in November
Traditional buyers reducing wheat exports from Kazakhstan
Weather forecast for December 20-26: up to -18 °С and slight warming
Ukraine. Winter crops are rated good
Kazakh flour exports down almost one-third from last year
Ukrainian agricultural exports increased to USD 21 Bl
UkrAgroConsult raising its forecast for Ukraine’s corn crop and exports
Romania: new crop of winter rapeseed is expected to be similar to 2021
Ukraine. Harvest as of December 1, 2021
Ukraine to launch a pilot land reclamation project 2021
Ukraine. Grain stocks as of December 1, 2021
Russia to increase soybean oil exports in the new season 2021
Egypt and Morocco became the biggest buyers of Ukrainian wheat in November 2021
Weather forecast for December 27-January 2: Warming and sleet rain
Ukraine. Oilseed stocks, December 1, 2021
Ukraine. Winter crops rated mostly good
China stopped importing Ukrainian barley in November
Planted areas of peas and other pulses may expand in 2022
Bulgaria may harvest next rapeseed crop higher than in 2021
Egypt issued a tender to buy wheat with delivery on February 15 – March 3, 2022
Egypt bought 300 KMT of wheat in a tender
In MY 2021/22, China cut sunflower oil imports from Ukraine by half
India permitted the import of refined palm oil until the end of 2022
Iran absorbed roughly one-fourth of total Russian wheat exports
Output of groats increased in Ukraine
Schedule of AgriSupp platform data updates
Weather forecast for January 3-9: "temperature swing" and heavy rainfall
Weather forecast for January 10-16: temperature drop and snow
Ukraine. The significant drop in air temperature had no adverse impact on winter crops
UkrAgroConsult raising its 2021/22 harvest and export estimates for barley
Ukraine. Sunflower oil export remains lower than last year
USDA raised its corn crop and export forecasts for Ukraine
USDA: Black Sea oilseed crop estimate left
Weather forecast for January 17-24: stormy wind and snow
Forecast for Ukraine’s 2022 grain crop
UkrAgroConsult on the first estimates of the 2022/23 oilseed crop
UkrAgroConsult updates analytical reports on grain and oilseeds markets
Ukraine. Winter grains are in deep dormancy
Kazakhstan. Linseed exports falling for a second season in a row
December corn exports from Ukraine exceeded last year’s volume
Weather forecast for January 24-30: temperature drop to -16°С and snowfalls
Rail transportation 2021: grain continues to lose ground
Will Turkey set some new records in the supply and demand balance for sunflower seed and oil?
January witnessing unusually high grain exports from
Egypt issued a tender to buy wheat with delivery on March 5 - 26, 2022
Indonesia restricted palm oil exports for six months
Saudi Arabia increased purchases of Ukrainian wheat in 10 times
Weather forecast for January 31-February 6: short-term precipitation and black ice
Egypt bought 420 KMT of wheat in a tender
Pulse sector development may resume in 2022
Ukraine. No dangerous weather events for winter crops are observed
Russia. Oilseed production became more profitable in 2021
Ukraine introducing an insurance mechanism for winter crops
Turkey gained a firm foothold among key importers of Ukrainian barley
Sunflower meal exports from Ukraine remain the lowest since MY 2016/17
Iran became a regular buyer of Kazakh wheat
Russian. Sunflower seed exports curbed by a tax
Chickpea exports from Ukraine down 57%
New season outlook: rising production costs and falling product prices
Weather forecast for February 7-13: temperature increase and rains
Ukraine. Trends in the refined sunflower oil market
Duty-free Export Quota for Sunseed - a Black Swan?
Ukraine. Winter crop conditions are fair
Kazakh flour exports quickened in recent months
Ukraine. Palm oil imports up 11% y-o-y
100 KMT of grain and vegoils/meals will be shipped in conditions of limited access to the Black Sea
USDA experts lowered their forecast for wheat exports from Ukraine
USDA: Black Sea oilseed crop estimate left unchanged
Ag Ministry of Kazakhstan mulling changing the export quota regime for sunflower oil
Turkey became the second biggest importer of Ukrainian rye in MY 2021/22
Pea exports from Kazakhstan half as high as last season
Weather forecast for February 14-20: spring heat and precipitation
Outlook for the 2022/23 grain crop in Bulgaria
Egypt issued a tender for the purchase of vegetable oils
Attempt to blockade Black Sea ports: they are operating normally
Ukraine. Winter grains are in fair and good conditions
Russian barley exports to Turkey up 18 times
Kazakhstan. Sunflower oil exports down 19% y-o-y
Ukrainian ports: record pace of grain exports observed for February 11-14
Egypt issued a tender to buy wheat with delivery on April 1 – 10, 2022
Egypt bought 34.5 KMT of vegetable oils in a tender
Sharp decline in Southeast Asian demand for corn starch from Ukraine
Kazakhstan became one of the top five buyers of Russian wheat
Belarus boosted soybean meal imports from Ukraine by 36%
Egypt bought 180 KMT of wheat in a tender
UkrAgroConsult changing its 2022/23 grain crop estimates
Weather forecast for February 21-27: spring warmth and short-term precipitation
Ukraine. The weather conditions were fair for survival of winter crops
Ukrainian ports: no complications with shipments observed
Russia has the potential to set a new record in oilseed production. If the weather favors
Egypt issued a tender to buy wheat with delivery on April 11- 21, 2022
Support Ukraine. Follow the Updates from UkrAgroConsult
Ukraine Not to Worry About Hunger, Critical Factors Under Control – T. Vysotsky
Ukraine. Trading Activity in the Domestic Grain and Oilseed Market Recovers
Egypt bought 101 KMT of soybean oil in a tender
New Minister of Agrarian Policy was appointed in Ukraine
Spring sowing
Oil refineries in Ukraine are in a high risk zone
Kazakhstan: The results of the2021/22 grain season and the 2022/23 forecast
Belarus restricts export of agricultural goods
Ukraine introduces price control for a social group of goods
russia. Expectations of restrictions on the export of oilseeds and processed products
Ukraine. Sunflower oil exports continue
Ukraine. The government of the country has developed a mechanism for compensating losses in the logistics industry
Grain Production-2022 forecast in Ukraine: variety of scenarios
Main chartering risks in the Azov-Black Sea region
Ukrainian government lifted the ban on the export of cattle and meat
Black Sea Grain. Conflicting S&D
EAEU countries to limit grain, vegetable oil and sugar exports
belarus. Oilseed meal exports subject to licensing
Eurasian Economic Union updated its lists of standards for oil and fat products
Black Sea Grain. Conflicting S&D – Webinar Recording Available
GASC wheat tender today
Lending to farmers continues
Kazakhstan will increase the area of sunflower
The State Food and Grain Corporation has extended the grace period for storing grain and oilseeds
Ukraine. Railway exports of agricultural products rising up
Closure of Ukrainian ports and its implications for grain trade
Bulgaria: sunflower supply and demand balance
Expectations from Ukrainian corn exports in 2022
2022 Wheat Forecast in russia
Transshipment in the Baltic way. Overview of the largest grain terminals
SFO exports keep leadership in generating foreign currency earnings for Ukrainian farmers and not only among oilseeds
The Ministry of Agrarian Policy will consider grain transshipment prices
Exports of buckwheat, rye and oats from Ukraine were limited
Spring grain harvest forecast for 2022
Ukraine. Logistics Development and agricultural export by rail
Bulgaria: Rapeseed S&D
Ukraine: S&D of oilseeds, vegoils and meals
Spring grain harvest forecast for 2022
Food security: spring 2022
Constanta: record high grain exports. Estimation of the Ukrainian grain share after harvesting in Romania
Turkey: 2022/23 MY oilseed market forecast
Kazakhstan extends sunflower oil export quotas
New Reality. Forecasts and Scenarios of Grain & Oil Markets in Ukraine. 2022-2025
Ukraine 2022 peas harvest forecast
Ukraine’s sunflower exports could reach 1 M mt
Ukraine: S&D Balance of the Oilseed Sector (June 2022)
The Ukrainian ports blockade promoted grain exports from Bulgaria
Ukraine. Export logistics of agricultural products in May
Egypt bought 52.2 KMT of soybean oil in a domestic tender
UkrAgroConsult offers 2 weeks of demo access to the analytical platform AgriSupp
Scheme of "legalizing" russia-stolen grain now revealed
Bulgaria may receive second all-time high sunseed crop
UkrAgroConsult’s forecast of the 2022 grain harvest in Ukraine, June 2022
UkrAgroConsult announces a Webinar ‘War in Ukraine. Grain & Oilseed Crop Forecast-2022’ on June 30
Romania started winter crop harvesting and completed spring seeding
Grain production profitability factors in Ukraine during the war
Ukraine: oil flax S&D
Importers’ demand for Ukrainian grains
Watch the webinar recording ‘War in Ukraine. Grain & Oilseed Crop Forecast-2022’
Ukrzaliznytsia increases railway tariffs
Ukraine: sunflower is expected to remain one of the most profitable crops
Ukraine. Probable after effects of the increase in railway tariffs
International Agri Community will meet at ‘Agro&Food Security Forum. Grains, Oilseeds, Pulses’ on September 14-15 in Warsaw
Overview of the 2021/22 season, in Ukraine and worldwide: Barley
Ukraine: 2021/2022 rapeseed season is over – long live the new 2022/23 season
Ukraine. Is the new-crop grain storage problem solved?
Bulgaria: sunflower S&D balance, July 2022
Grain exports by sea?
Join a trip to the ports DCT Gdansk and Gdynia within Agro&Food Security Forum. Grains, Oilseeds, Pulses – September 14
Ukrainian grain in Europe: who is for and who is against
Ukraine. Ending stocks of sunflower seed and soybeans remain at a record high, despite export shipments recovery
In fact, the new strategy now is short term tactical actions. How to turn raw grain and oil crops from useless stocks to highly profitable assets?
UkrAgroConsult: Ukrainian grain export, 2022/23, forecast
UkrAgroConsult updated forecast of Ukraine’s 2022 corn harvest
August results of the grain deal
Ukraine. Successful rapeseed season against all odds
Pulses have become a trend of the wartime crop sowing in Ukraine
August, 22 results of the grain deal
russia will close rapeseed exports in the new 2022/23 season even expecting a record harvest
Poland and Ukraine will build an oil pipeline
Ukraine: Supply and demand balances of oilseeds, vegoils and meals (September 2022)
Ukraine. 2022/23 export outlook: volumes and destinations
International Agri Community met at ‘Agro&Food Security Forum. Grains, Oilseeds, Pulses’ on September 14-15 in Warsaw
New threats to the russian agricultural sector
Ukraine. Grain harvest is in full swing and now it’s turn of elevators deficit
Ukraine. High sunseed, sunoil and meal stocks saving Ukraine’s oilseed industry in 2022/23
Ukraine. September records in agricultural exports and logistics
Activity of Ukrainian farmers are heavily affected by weather
Ukraine. Future export potential scenarios
Updated estimates of the grain crop in Bulgaria
Replacement of Ukrainian corn in the global market
Russia restricting sunflower exports despite expectations of a bumper crop
Ukraine. Export will decline in November and December 2022 due to lo-gistical problems
Next year could be more productive for the high-oleic market… if the conditions are favorable
Kazakhstan: Grain harvest and export outlook for the current season
Bulgaria: A drop in this season’s rapeseed crop due to low yield
“Grain Corridor:” scenarios, assessments, expectations
russia’s soybean crop to set a new record
Ukraine’s agribusiness stays resilient during the power outages
‘Black Sea as a Global Change Maker: 2022-23 Outcomes & Prospects’ – Market Outlook to be Released on Dec 8
Record high exports by rail through western border crossings
Ukraine VS russia: the battlefield is the sunflower oil market
Kazakhstan: Grain harvest and export in MY 2022/23
Corn. Harvest and export outlook for MY 2022/23
Ukraine. Rapeseed exports on the rise, rapeseed oil exports falling
Egypt issued a tender for the purchase of vegetable oils with delivery on February 5-25, 2023
Egypt bought about 42 KMT of vegetable oil in a tender
Vegoil market: increasing price spreads between sunflower oil and soy oil
An alternative to the grain corridor. Port of Constanta, Romania
Ukraine. Combination of shocks made logistic and trade flow shifts inevitable in 2022
UkrAgroConsult’s first estimates of Ukraine’s 2023 grain harvest
UkrAgroConsult’s first estimates of Ukraine’s 2023 oil seed harvest
Save the date for ‘EURO GRAIN HUB Exchange & Forum’ – a brand-new event in grains market!
Bulgaria: The 2022/23 sunflower season promises to be cost-effective
A boom in the re-routing of the regional trade flow. Development of alternative logistics corridors
Ukraine. How to realize the 2022/23 grain export potential? War Risks & Prospects – Join UkrAgroConsult Webinar, Feb 7
Farmers are fighting fire after fire: how to generate financing for spring planting while? Farmers’ revenue influencing factors
Wheat market in MY 2022/23: current issues and forecasts
January 2023. A drop in agricultural exports through all logistics channels
Ukrainian sun meal in the global animal feed market. Are the meal exports becoming more regionally concentrated? Forecast for 2022/23
Ukraine: Refined sunflower oil producers maintain their position
Pulses sector also hit by the war in 2022
Small Danube ports: developments and prospects
Ukraine continues to export oil raw materials at a high rate
Increased Ukrainian wheat flour exports to the EU
Trucks or railcars? Who will bring grain to the ports in 2023
Forecasts and scenarios for the recovery of Ukraine’s agricultural sector in 2023-2025
Grain Deal Scenarios: Market factors? Political and Geopolitical Influencers? Geo economic factors?
Grain drying in 2022/23: Farmers’ experience determine the trends
Bulgaria follows its strategy in the sunflower oil market. Key trends of the oilseed market of Bulgaria, 2022/23 season
Ukraine. Grain exports forecast, 2022/23: re-routing of trade flows, geopolitical factors
Sunflower exports: to be or not to be? 2022-2024
Shipment distribution by port in 2022/23. Top terminals
Ukrainian Sunflower Oil exports is a hostage of the grain corridor
Egypt bought 120 KMT of Ukrainian wheat in a tender
Bulgaria: Oilseed Production 2023 increases against 2022
Grain harvest forecast in Bulgaria, 2023
Ukraine. Sunseeds Market and Crushing Industry: S&D update, April 2023
Kazakhstan: what’s going on in 2022/23 season and harvest forecast for 2023
UkrAgroConsult. Grain S&D updates, 2023/24 season, April
Europe keeps Ukrainian commodity markets on edge
Poland and Ukraine have reached an agreement on the transit of agricultural products
Grain exports potential, late 2022/23 and for the coming 2023/24 season. Forecast
Recent updates on the “grain deal”
Ukraine. Will the exports by vessels take over all agricultural export?
Should Bulgaria restrict rapeseed imports from Ukraine?
Egypt. Wheat tender results
Ukraine. Agri exports in April: grain deal at risk of failure
Egypt issued a tender for the purchase of 40 KMT vegetable oils
Exciting changes in Ukrainian supply chains have just begun
Bulgaria Grain Exports: history and Future, 2022-2024
USDA: Oilseed crop in the Black Sea region in MY 2022/23 increased by 0.9 M mtб in 2023/23 MY will exceed 50.8 M mt
USDA cut their estimate of grain exports from the Black Sea region
New season of 2023/24: the market should not expect a significant increase in high-oleic SFS harvest in Ukraine
Romania. Will Ukrainian grain compete effectively with Romanian grains in 2023/24 season?
The operation of the grain corridor has been extended!
Ukraine. Grain deal extension and exports in May-June, 2023
Record Rapeseed Production-2023? New supply chains? Bearish? Bullish? Black Sea Oilseeds Market in the New Realities
The EU and Australian barley will offset the drop in barley harvest in Ukraine and the Black Sea region, 2023/24
The 2022/23 trends in sunseed supply chains. Even high logistics costs do not limit substantially Sunflower oil exports from Ukraine
Is there a room for Ukrainian rapeseed in the EU markets? 2023/24
Ukraine position as one of top corn exporters: prospects for 2023/24 are unclear
Destruction of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant dam. Implications for the agricultural sector
AgriSupp platform update for the week of June 2 - 8, 2023
The Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant Dam Explosion: Immediate Consequences and Long-Term Impact on the Ukrainian Agricultural Sector
AgriSupp platform update for the week of June 9 - 15, 2023
Ukraine. Investments in the Danube Region. Are the Danube small ports ready for the new harvest?
AgriSupp platform update for the week of June 16 - 22, 2023
International Conference ‘BLACK SEA GRAIN & OIL-2023. THE WAY TO RECOVERY’ to take place in Kyiv, September 14
Ukraine-Romania-Moldova. Turning the Danube Region into a logistic agri-hub: ways to increase throughput
UkrAgroConsult revised upward the 2023/24 estimates of Ukrainian grain harvest and exports
Contrary to the general trend, 2023 sunflower area in Bulgaria declined, though not impessive
AgriSupp platform update for the week of June 23 - 29, 2023
Ukraine. 2022/23 – the season of the biggest logistical challenges
Ukraine. S&D estimations for Oilseeds, Veg Oils, Meals (July 2023)
AgriSupp platform updates for the week of June 30 – July 6, 2023
Ukraine. High Time to Modify and Update the Grain Deal. New 2023/24 Marketing Season of Wheat, Barley and Rapeseed Started
Ukraine. Legume harvest: updated numbers of 2022 and prospects for 2023
AgriSupp platform updates for the week of July 7 - 13, 2023
Ukraine. Logistics Costs and Early 2023/24 Season’ Trends. Supply Chains Keep Modifications
Ukraine: oilseed flaxseed S&D – growth potential is available
Starting July 21, all ships sailing in the Black Sea to russian or occupied Ukrainian ports will be treated as legitimate military targets
AgriSupp platform updates for the week of July 14 - 20, 2023
Rapeseed – 2023/24: New Challenges and Long-Standing Troubles
Bulgaria. Update of the grain harvest and export estimates
Ukraine. Railway tariff for grain delivery to the port of Reni is becoming cheaper
Everything you need to know about the grain corridor shutdown and its impact on the global agricultural market
AgriSupp platform updates for the week of July 21 - 27, 2023
Kazakhstan: the grain market trends of 2022/23 season and harvest and export forecast for 2023/24
Agri commodity logistics again faces serious challenges
AgriSupp platform updates for the week of July 28 – August 3, 2023
Bulgaria: Updated oilseed production forecast for 2023 mainly due to weather
Ukraine. The grain flows evolution under high freight costs.
AgriSupp platform updates for the week of August 3 - 10, 2023
Ukraine. Will the agricultural export by rail increase?
AgriSupp platform updates for the week of August 11 - 17, 2023
Ukraine. The rise in the supply of 2023 soybeans is getting closer and closer. Forecast for 2023/24 and for up to 2025
AgriSupp platform updates for the week of August 18 - 24, 2023
Ukraine. New 2023/24 rapeseed season off to an optimistic start
Ukraine. Export by rail is gaining momentum in August
AgriSupp platform updates for the week of August 25 - 31, 2023
BLACK SEA GRAIN & OIL-2023 to take place next week! Join the key agri event!
Bulgarian sunflower gets “heat attack”
AgriSupp platform updates for the week of September 1 - 7, 2023
Ukrainve. Recovery of total agricultural exports in August
Ukraine. Oilseed sector. Processing is a must-have trend for the future. Margins, investments
AgriSupp platform updates for the week of September 15 – 21, 2023
Surprising 2023/24 rapeseed season in Ukraine, despite 5 EU member states banning rapeseed imports
Ukraine. Sunflower Oil Exports Logistics. The grain deal termination and SFO exports in 2023/24
The market of high oleic sunflower and oil before, during and after the war
Pessimism versus optimism in vegetable oil markets
Ukraine. New Grain Corridor and outlook for October agricultural exports
AgriSupp platform updates for the week of October 20 – 26, 2023
The first month of operation of the new sea route: grain in focus
Bulgarian rapeseed harvest may fall again in 2024
Ukraine approves pilot project on verification of exporters to prepare for new export rules
Exports of sunflower oil and soybeans from Ukraine to 5 EU countries now also require licenses
Ukraine refined sunflower oil exports is forecast at level of 500 K mt in the 2023/24 season
Ukraine. Railways increase grain transport, but not to the western borders
AgriSupp platform updates for the week of November 9 - 16, 2023
Ukraine: Positive expectations for the flax market in 2023/24
BLACK SEA GRAIN-2024: Registration Started! Join us on Feb 27-28 in Prague
Looking for a stable source of agricultural data? Welcome to the AgriSupp API Integration
Sunseed market – Who are the players? Farmers versus oil producers
Ukraine. Logistical efficiency in the 2023/24 season and expectations for December-January
Ukraine. Prospects for cereal exports through Danube ports in 2024
The opening of a new grain corridor has significantly in-creased exports
The needs of the Bulgarian processing industry will encourage farmers to sow oilseeds
Cold snap in Ukraine puts market focus on winter oilseed rape conditions
Upgrade your risk management at the HEDGE SCHOOL within BLACK SEA GRAIN-2024
Romania intends to maximize rapeseed production
Solving Key Challenges in Commodity Trade: Join a Legal Seminar by AGA Partners at BLACK SEA GRAIN-2024
Ukraine. Will there be enough soybean seed next season?
Unexpected changes in the global oilseed market – an opportunity to take advantage
Agribusiness leaders will meet on February 27-28 at the International Сonference BLACK SEA GRAIN-2024 in Prague
Agribusiness leaders united at the International Сonference BLACK SEA GRAIN-2024 in Prague last week
Bulgaria confidently increases sunseed crushing
Ukraine. Soybean Market Outlook
Join the premier grain forum of the Black Sea region — BLACK SEA GRAIN. KYIV!
Black Sea & Danube Region. Oilseed Crop Forecast, 2024
Ukraine. Challenges of the alternative grain corridor
Soybean is Italy’s oilseed with the biggest area
Commodities trade challenges: cases, advices, solutions – seminar on April 17 within BLACK SEA GRAIN. KYIV
Is Moldova Really Short of Sunseed? UkrAgroConsult, Forecast
UkrAgroConsult celebrates its 30th anniversary!
Logistics as a key factor of competitiveness. Uncertainties and challenges in logistics and trade
We continue to announce the central topics of the BLACK SEA GRAIN.KYIV conference: EU agricultural policy and its impact on Ukrainian exports, risks of EUDR policy
Global grain and oilseeds market overview. 2024/25 forecast for agricultural markets. When will demand recover?
Ukrainian business continues to invest. New investment segments, trends, and players in the processing sector
Insights into the new export region. Production and export trends and forecasts in the Black Sea and Danube countries
In the new season 2024\25, Ukraine will remain the leader in the global sunflower oil market
Ukraine. Grain transportation by rail breaks records in Q1 2024
Egypt’s GASC purchased 120 K mt of Ukrainian milling wheat on a tender
The 21st International Conference BLACK SEA GRAIN.KYIV took place in Kyiv on April 18th
New trends of oilseeds market in 2024/25. Forecast
Couldn’t attend BLACK SEA GRAIN.KYIV Conference? Get the event materials
Russia. Agricultural exports in second half of the 2023/24 season do not slow dawn
Vegetable oil market – A look into May-December 2024
Sharing the video highlights of BLACK SEA GRAIN.KYIV-2024
Ukraine. Rapeseed market of 2024/25. Forecast
Rapeseed looks promising in the western Romania
What will be the grain transshipment costs in the next 2024/25 season
Black Sea region infrastructure development, terminals and handling trends
Romanian sunseed crop outlook improved
Changes in the oilseed market after the EU bans on russian imports
Ukraine. Agricultural logistics in May 2024: Exports down
Ukraine: S&D of oilseeds, vegetable oils and meals (June 2024)
Ukrainian sunflower oil exports: Logistic routes in the 2023/24 season
Bulgarian oilseed crops show the best results amid EU states
Weather negatively affects Romanian oilseed crop prospects
Ukraine. Agricultural logistics 2023/24: The sea corridor saves exports
SAVE THE DATE! The 10th International Conference BLACK SEA OIL TRADE is coming to Bucharest
Rapeseed. 2023/24 MY summary and outlook for the new 2024/25 season
Bulgaria. New grain export terminal and export records
REGISTRATION STARTED! Join the leaders of the Black Sea & Danube region
Romania. Heatwave brings more damage for corn and sunflower seed
Sunseed harvest will decrease significantly in the Black Sea-Danube region in 2024
Ukraine: S&D of oilseeds, vegoils and meals (August 2024)
BLACK SEA OIL TRADE-2024: Early Registration Rate expires next week! Register by August 15th
Wheat imports ban in Pakistan and impact on 2024/25 price trends
Russia. Exports by ship and logistics forecast for 2024/25 MY
Barley in Ukraine: 2023/24 MY. Outlook for 2024/25 MY
Ukraine. Agricultural logistics in July: A good start to the season
Romanian sunseed price finally exceeded last year level
BLACK SEA OIL TRADE-2024: Early Registration Rate expires this week! Register by August 15th
Ukraine. Barley supply is high, but prices are rising
Serbia. The drought will cause extremely high losses for farmers this year
Ukraine. Record local grain transportation by rail
Romania. Oilseed & Vegoil Industry Outlook 2024-2026
Rapeseed. The best strategy for Ukrainian farmers and crushers?
BLACK SEA OIL TRADE-2024: Attendee List Available – 150 Delegates on Board!
Ukraine. Logistics 2024/25 – Greater Odessa ports handling more and more grain
BLACK SEA OIL TRADE-2024: Conference Agenda Announced!
Ukraine. Wheat 2024/25 season: Early start, record exports, export memorandum, other price setting factors
Ukraine. Oilseeds: Record acreage does not equal record harvest
Ukraine. Start of corn harvest and expectations for MY 2024/25
Ukraine. Results of the 2023/24 soybean season
Oilseed Industry. Leaders and Strategies in the Times of a Great Change
Global Demand and Price Trends. Changing Consumption Patterns in Oilseed Sector
Ukraine. Barley exports on hold
Ukraine vs Russia. Confrontation in the sunflower oil market
Ukraine. Untypical increase of wheat price in September
Margins and Risks: How to Navigate the Efficiency of the Oilseed Sector?
See you next week at BLACK SEA OIL TRADE-2024! Check the Final Agenda
Ukraine. Corn 2024/25: Bullish market at the start of the season?
BLACK SEA OIL TRADE: Side Event – Join a Business Match Session!
Ukraine. Sunflower season past – season ahead
Price of Romanian sunseed is USD 100/mt above last year
BLACK SEA OIL TRADE – 2024 welcomed 300 delegates from 33 countries
Bulgaria. Uncertain prospects for rapeseed harvests in 2025-2026
Black Sea & Danube Region: Key Issues Affecting Oilseed and Vegoil Market Development
Ukraine. Peas 2024/25: Record exports and demand from India
Ukraine starts 2024/25 season: Grain exports are growing
Romania: Sunseed exports may fall by more than 50% in 2024/25
Bulgarian sunflower seed crop under weather pressure
Ukraine. Law on export guarantees – tightening of state control or more efficient export management?
Low harvest supports sunseed prices in Hungary
Join agri leaders of the Black Sea & Danube region at the 22 International Conference BLACK SEA GRAIN.EUROPE – Feb 13-14, Prague
Rapeseed market in Poland is moving according to MATIF
Ukraine. 55% of memo wheat exports were shipped in July-Nov 2024/25
Romania increases rapeseed area for 2025 harvest
Ukraine: S&D of oilseeds, vegetable oils and meals (December 2024)
Romania. Climate and farmers’ decisions. 2025 grain and oilseed crop
Bulgaria harvested the smallest sunseed crop in 12 years in 2024
Agri leaders of the Black Sea & Danube region to meet at BLACK SEA GRAIN.EUROPE in Prague!
Sergey Feofilov. Ukrainian grain trade: Onward and upward in 2025!
Black Sea region will remain a key supplier to meet the EU’s rapeseed demand in 2025/26
Plan The New Season with 2025 Crop and Sown Area Forecast by UkrAgroConsult!
Preliminary Agenda for BLACK SEA GRAIN.EUROPE is now available!
Avoiding Common Mistakes in Grain Trading: Real Cases Insights
Sergey Feofilov: Ukrainian soybean prices in Q&A
Exclusive Networking & Beer Tasting Event within BLACK SEA GRAIN.EUROPE in Prague!
BLACK SEA GRAIN. EUROPE – Join with a Smart Rate by Jan 31!
Ukraine. Rapeseed market under crop decline in 2024
Black Sea & Danube Region. What’s Beyond the 2024/25 Season’s Equator? Grains & Oilseeds
Reshaping the Global Commodity Market. Macro and Micro Factors & Challenges
Peculiarities of the geography of Ukrainian wheat exports
High prices for peas can stimulate the increase of sown areas in Ukraine
Ukraine will manage to export 600 thsd tons of barley at a favorable price
Meeting the Global Demand. Fostering Regional Supply Chains, Trade and Logistics
AgriFood. Production and Processing Strategies to Meet a Changing World
Ukraine. Export grain potential is 20% lower than in the previous season
Bulgaria’s crushing industry is hungry for more oilseed supply. Oilseed S&D update, 2024/25
Ukraine returns to traditional use of oilseeds harvest
Global Agri Leaders Meet at BLACK SEA GRAIN.EUROPE in Prague!
For the third year in a row, the share of milling wheat in Ukraine does not exceed 50%
Sunflower: What to expect in the second half of 2024/25?
BLACK SEA GRAIN.EUROPE-2025: Agricultural sector leaders discussed challenges and prospects of the market
Strategic changes in the food market: new market research by UkrAgroConsult
Ukraine has set a record for soybean oil supplies to the EU
Welcome to BLACK SEA GRAIN.KYIV – premiere agribusiness event, April 24
High oleic sunflower recovery hinges on HO SFS premiums (2025/26 Outlook)
Black Sea Agri Leaders to Meet at BLACK SEA GRAIN.KYIV on April 24
China opens its market to Ukrainian peas
Bulgaria. The 2024 shortage of sunflower seed increases the crushers’ risks
Romanian Grains and Oilseeds Market in March: Prices, Climate Challenges and Prospects
Romania could start new season without sunseed stocks
Tariff Storm: Ukraine And the New Us Trade Policy – More Details
Ukraine. Containerized agricultural exports return to seaports
Turkey allows duty-free wheat imports for flour millers
Turkey introduces new corn import quota
China starts levying 100% duties on canola oil and peas from Canada
Rapeseed market under tariff attack