Vessel Lineup

Vessel Lineups

Access to current and historical Line up data for the ports of Ukraine, Russia, Romania and Bulgaria.

We show sailed and expected to arrive vessels with easy filters and summary tables.

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S&D Estimates

S&D Estimates

Supply and demand estimates for major agri crops in the Black Sea region countries provided by Consulting agency "UkrAgroConsult".

Follow the recent changes in estimates, subscribe to notifications and get access to historical estimates.

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Prices and Futures

Cash Prices

Black Sea and global FOB, CPT, EXW cash prices for cereals, oilseeds, edible oils and other processed products updated daily.

Access to comparative charts with more than 5-year history and downloadable price tables.

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Exports from Ukraine
Exports from Ukraine, KMT

Export Statistics

Track the export trade flows by country. Get access to monthly updates for Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Romania and Bulgaria.

Online charts showing traded volumes and destinations for more than 10 years of historical data.

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Production and stocks

Monthly statistics of food industy production and stocks in the Black Sea region countries.

We show stocks and production of processed products such as wheat flour, fodders, groats, sunflower oil, margarine and more.

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Grain market
Main destinations

Agricultural Market Analytics

We have collected all necessary data on the agricultural markets in the Black Sea countries: Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Romania, and Bulgaria. Latest information, quality analytics, reliable forecasts.

Increase the effectiveness of your decisions by means of comprehensive analysis of the most dynamic markets of grains, oilseeds and pulses. 

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