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  • Ukraine. Winter crops may get damaged in areas with insufficient snow cover

Ukraine. Winter crops may get damaged in areas with insufficient snow cover

19 January, 2021 at 14:01

A gradual temperature decrease was observed all over the country on January 13. On January 8-10, the soil was frozen to a depth of 1-10 cm, even to 11-30 cm in Kharkiv and Luhansk regions.

During the greatest cold-snap, the lowest soil temperature at the tillering-node depth of winter wheat plants (3 cm) did not fall below -5ºC, therefore it posed no threat to winter grains.

Winter grains are dormant, being in unstable dormancy in the South. They are rated fair to good, UkrAgroConsult reports.

Precipitation in the form of rain and sleet occurred all over the country. As of January 13, snow had fallen almost all over Ukraine. The snow cover height is 2-20 cm.

Snow lying on the ground surface is now moisture-saturated, frost-bound, dense and highly conductive; upper-layer snow fell at freezing temperatures and is loose and more heat-insulative.

Weather forecast for January 19-24:

- Low temperatures (down to -20ºC) will last until January 20. Then they are expected to rise;

- It will be dry in most of Ukraine;

- Precipitation in the form of snow (2-5 mm) is possible in the West;

- Snow cover in most of the country will be sufficient for protecting winter crops;

- Winter crops may get damaged in areas with insufficient snow cover;

- Air temperature in the West will be +3 … +6°C in the daytime, -2 … -4°C at night; the North will be exposed to 0 … +2°C in the daytime, -7 … -9°C at night; Central Ukraine to +1 … +3°C in the daytime, -7 … -9°C at night; the East to -1 … -3°C in the daytime, -13 … -15°C at night; the South to +3 … +5°C in the daytime, -6 … -8°C at night.