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  • Bulgaria reinforcing its position as a sunseed exporter and crusher

Bulgaria reinforcing its position as a sunseed exporter and crusher

28 January, 2020 at 12:01

According to UkrAgroConsult’s estimates, Bulgaria slightly reduced sunflower seed crop in MY 2019/20. Restoration of its plantings to 820 Th ha (+3.6% from MY 2018/19) was nullified by a yield drop (-5% from MY 2018/19).

The optimistic scenario, which was topical early this season, had to be adjusted due to the weather factor.

The sunseed crop shortage will be offset by imports, which totaled a record in the first two months.

At the same time, domestic sunseed crush will continue increasing. This will lead to a record export potential of the sunflower oil market in MY 2019/20. First months show a growth in purchases from the key buyers of sunflower seed oil.