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  • EU, Egypt, Iran topped the list of buyers of Ukrainian corn in July

EU, Egypt, Iran topped the list of buyers of Ukrainian corn in July

27 August, 2021 at 11:08

July corn exports from Ukraine totaled 962 KMT (-43% from June and +126% from July 2019/20). 23.4 MMT had been exported this season (-19% y-o-y), UkrAgroConsult reports.

The EU, Egypt and Iran bought more Ukrainian corn in July than China. Over the recent months, China’s share in Ukrainian corn exports has shrunk to 36%, while the EU’s share has risen to 31%. At the same time, the EU slashed purchases from last season (down 30%).

Apart from the EU, the following countries also reduced imports from the same time last year: Egypt (-25%), Turkey (-64%), Israel (-44%), Libya (-21%), Algeria (-52%), Tunisia (-18%).

China, Iran and the UK stepped up purchases from last season.