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  • Russia. Cargill launched a new oil extractor in Volgograd region

Russia. Cargill launched a new oil extractor in Volgograd region

18 October, 2018 at 11:10

A new oil extraction plant was opened in Novoanninsky district of the region on October 17, Volgograd-TRV TV channel reports.

The opening of a new Cargill-built oil-extraction plant was held in Novoanninsky district of Volgograd region in mid-October.

The plant’s design capacity will be up to 640 KMT of sunseed a year, therefore it will be capable of processing the entire crop grown by local farmers.

Supposedly, up to 70% of feedstock for the plant will come from Volgograd region and the remaining 30% will be provided by farms located in other regions of the Southern federal district and in the Central district. This will make it possible not only to increase crushing margins but also to comply with the federal import substitution strategy.

The investment project cost more than RUB 10 Bl.