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  • Ukraine. Harvesting as of September 1, 2021

Ukraine. Harvesting as of September 1, 2021

23 September, 2021 at 13:09

According to an official report of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, 43.8 MMT of grains and pulses were harvested in Ukraine as of September 1, 2021, or 26% more than at the same time last year, with their average yield being 20% higher than in 2020.

Farmers continue harvesting late-season crops, in particular corn, sunflower and soybeans, UkrAgroConsult reports.

Corn harvest lags 15% behind last year, with 16% higher yield than a year earlier.

Sunflower seed was harvested from 149 Th ha that is 58% less than as of September 1, 2020, with 29% higher yield than a year earlier. 

Soybeans were harvested from 24 Th ha (down 45% y-o-y) with 27% higher yield than last year.