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Ukraine coming back to the world rye market

9 November, 2021 at 14:11

According to the USDA forecast, world rye output in MY 2021/22 will fall by 5% due to reduced plantings in the EU and decreased yields in Russia and Canada because of adverse weather conditions.

As a rule, the biggest consumers of rye are its main growers, and production surplus is exported. This is why the top rye exporters are the same from year to year – only their shares in global exports change depending on the crop size.

According to the USDA, Ukraine’s share in global rye exports will increase in MY 2021/22 not only due to increased domestic output but also because of reduced supply from other exporters. Remarkably, Ukrainian exports are to increase several fold, UkrAgroConsult reports.

In view of growth in demand, more and more attention will shortly be focused on the condition of crops for the next 2022 harvest.

Predominantly winter varieties of rye are grown in Ukraine. As the most frost tolerant crop, it is sown in the northern regions. According to the Ag Ministry, fall planting was 98% complete as of November 1 (the target area is 160.65 Th ha).

The Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center reports adequate soil moisture in northern Ukraine as of early November. This suggests that farmers will get a good crop next year, unless new weather risks emerge in the winter.