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  • Saudi Arabia entered the top ten of the biggest importers of Ukrainian wheat

Saudi Arabia entered the top ten of the biggest importers of Ukrainian wheat

24 November, 2021 at 14:11

October exports of Ukrainian wheat totaled 3.44 MMT (-21% from September, +59% from October 2020/21) that is a record high for this month. 12.4 MMT has been exported since the beginning of the season (a record high for this time of year and up 15% y-o-y).

Saudi Arabia entered the top ten of the biggest importers of Ukrainian wheat – six times more than a year earlier was shipped to this market during the four months, UkrAgroConsult reports.

The following importers also stepped up purchases from last season: Indonesia (+25%), Egypt (+24%), Turkey (up 3.6 times), Tunisia (+2%), South Korea (+23%).

A decline is seen in demand from the following importers: Pakistan (-23% y-o-y), Bangladesh (-32%), Philippines and Thailand (-27%).