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  • December USDA forecast for Ukraine’s crop may remain neutral

December USDA forecast for Ukraine’s crop may remain neutral

10 December, 2021 at 15:12

The crop estimates for early-season grains – wheat and barley – are unlikely to be changed, because no new data on them have arrived. The export estimates may be raised in view of a fast pace of shipments early in the season, UkrAgroConsult reports.

At the same time, the forecast for Ukraine’s corn crop may still be increased with reference to high real-time yield reported by the Ag Ministry. According to the latest data (as of December 2), the yield level averaged 7.42 MT/ha. Nevertheless, taking into account further conditioning, the estimate of the corn crop in net weight may be left at its previous level (38 MMT in November).

The forecast for Ukraine’s oilseed crop is very likely to remain unchanged in view of real-time data as of the end of harvesting.