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  • UkrAgroConsult updates analytical reports on grain and oilseeds markets

UkrAgroConsult updates analytical reports on grain and oilseeds markets

19 January, 2022 at 10:01

Dear Subscribers!


UkrAgroConsult is pleased to announce that starting from January 2022, Weekly Report "AgriNews, Kyiv” will be issued in a new updated format.


From now on, the Report will provide additional information on:


•   Fundamental factors, driving the main agri commodity prices (wheat, barley, corn, sunseed, rapeseed, soybeans, sun oil, sun meal),

•   Short-term forecast for market development and price trends for the above commodities,

•   Forward prices for the main commodities


The full report, as usual, is available for downloading in the relevant subsections "Download the full report":

https://agrisupp.com/en/dashboard/analytics/section/1/reports , https://agrisupp.com/en/dashboard/analytics/section/2/reports


In case of questions please, contact us by:

Phone  +38 044 364 55 85

e-mail: [email protected]


Wishing you success and efficiency in business,
