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  • Ukrainian ports: record pace of grain exports observed for February 11-14

Ukrainian ports: record pace of grain exports observed for February 11-14

16 February, 2022 at 14:02

According to the ports official data, from February 11 to February 14, inclusive, grain shipments from sea terminals of Ukraine amounted to 867 KMT, including 170 KMT of wheat, 54 KMT of barley and 643 KMT of corn.

Export pace is in line with the record grain crop of 2021 and significantly exceeds last year’s shipments.

From February 1 to February 14, according to the lineup data, the following shipments took place:

  • wheat: 548 KMT (up 100% yoy),
  • barley: 98 KMT (up 32 times yoy),
  • corn: 2247 KMT (up 100% yoy)

Ukraine. Grain Export through Seaports, KMT

According to market operators, shipments are taking place as usual, no delays in shipments have been registered.

Vessel traffic in the Black and Azov Seas continues.

Traffic of bulk carriers in the Black and Azov Seas as of February 15, 2022:

Source: MarineTraffic.com

Traffic of bulk carriers in the Black and Azov Seas as of February 10, 2022:

Source: MarineTraffic.com