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  • Ukraine. The weather conditions were fair for survival of winter crops

Ukraine. The weather conditions were fair for survival of winter crops

23 February, 2022 at 13:02

Crop condition:

– On February 1-13, it was abnormally warm for this time of year. Precipitation and fogs frequently occurred;

– Due to rather sharp temperature swings and consequently alternating soil thaws and freezes, some fields witness such an event as frost lifting (exposure of the roots and tillering node) in relief depressions – flooding of crops by melt waters, which then freeze at below-zero night temperatures;

– The weather conditions were fair for survival of winter crops. Their plants are in shallow winter dormancy, with those in the south even resuming growth in the daytime;

– Winter crops are rated 36% good, 51% fair, and 13% poor and thinned;

– 15% of winter rape plantings are in good condition, 50% are rated fair, and 35% are weak and thinned.

Moisture supply:

– Precipitation of various intensities and amounts in the form of rain, sleet and snow occurred almost all over the country.

– Most regions received normal precipitation rates on February 1-10 (9-14 mm);

– As of February 10, most of the country was free of snow or its height was at most 1-3 cm;

– As of February 9-10, the soil was frozen to a depth of 7-21 cm in most of the country;

– According to the results of winter soil moisture content tests made by the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center (on soil samples collected in the fields on February 8), the one-meter soil layer in most areas contained 125-179 mm of effective moisture.

Weather forecast for February 24-27:

– Precipitation of 2-10 mm is expected in most of the country;

– Air temperature will be +2 …+4°C in the daytime, 0…+2°C at night in the West; +2…+4°C in the daytime, 0…+2°C at night in the North; +5…+7°C in the daytime, +2…+4°C at night in the East; +3…+5°C in the daytime, 0…+2°C at night in Central Ukraine; +6…+8°C in the daytime, +3…+5°C at night in the South.