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  • Romania started winter crop harvesting and completed spring seeding

Romania started winter crop harvesting and completed spring seeding

23 June, 2022 at 09:06

Harvesting of winter crops (barley, rapeseed, wheat) have started in the South of Romania and the first yields are rather disappointing for the local farmers. They report that crop condition of winter crops is good only in Western regions.

From April rain deficit was noted in the North-East, East and South-East and thus, despite higher seeded area, rapeseed production may decrease in Romania, according to UkrAgroConsult.

Early in May Romania successfully completed seeding of sunseed. Despite the high world demand, excessive weather regime and moisture stock deficit (more than 50% of Romanian agricultural area) limited the expansion of spring crop area.

Some farmers decided to devote less area for corn and give more chances to sunseed, which is a more drought resistant crop.

This season Romania remains the top exporter of sunseed among the EU producers, but in the second half of the season the export pace weakened due to the lack of imports from the neighboring Hungary and Bulgaria.