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  • Ukraine: sunflower is expected to remain one of the most profitable crops

Ukraine: sunflower is expected to remain one of the most profitable crops

5 July, 2022 at 16:07

Sunflower seed, sunflower oil and meal exports in June increased due to the optimization and solving of logistics problems. Sunseed exports may reach an all-time high. The rapid sunflower seed exports rates usually make crushers angry with possible tightening of export restrictions. Amid high stocks and the upcoming harvest, the record volumes of SFS exports are reducing the pressure of stocks and the load on silos. This positive trend could increase farmer revenues/incomes.

Sunflower oil export estimates for the 2021/22 season were also raised.

Domestic sunflower seed prices are declining with current level 54% below the pre-war one and 37% lower than at the beginning of MY 2021/22.

Despite lower prices, sunflower is expected to remain one of the most profitable crops in the new season.

Among bearish factors for sunflower seed remain record high ending stocks, expected relatively large crops of other oilseeds, an expansion of sunflower plantings in the EU’s key growing countries and a price drop on the world markets of vegetable oils in June, UkrAgroConsult reports.