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Ukrainian grain in Europe: who is for and who is against

11 August, 2022 at 12:08

Ukraine, August 4: wheat harvest is 68% complete, 12.6M mt collected with an average yield of 3.6 mt/ha. Its yield fell significantly compared to last season due to dry weather conditions in May-July. The positive impact of rains was limited.

Wheat yield was overestimated before, now it is slightly reduced. As a result, the crop forecast and wheat export potential were cut, UkrAgroConsult reports.

Last week, the media are reporting Bulgarian farmers’ intention to protest against the importation of cheap Ukrainian grain into the country (they are going to block roads and border crossing points). Allegedly, a relatively large share of the grain declared as transit one nevertheless ends up in Bulgaria, and this could adversely affect local growers.

According to Ukraine’s export statistics, the negligible volume of grain was exported to Bulgaria in March-July. Such low volumes are unlikely to cause a grain imbalance in a country whose grain supply is measured in millions of tons.

Probably, news like this are spread to discredit Ukrainian products on the European market and Ukraine as a whole. In addition, the first ships from the ports of Greater Odesa have already passed through the Bosporus Strait and are heading for their destinations. Moreover, we hope grain exports from the Odesa ports will be relatively stable in the near future. This would allow saving logistics costs for Ukrainian farmers and easing the tension among European producers.