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  • Ukraine. Grain harvest is in full swing and now it’s turn of elevators deficit

Ukraine. Grain harvest is in full swing and now it’s turn of elevators deficit

5 October, 2022 at 14:10

In late September, the Agrarian Policy and Food Ministry of Ukraine released a procedure for the distribution of plastic grain storage bags supplied by international partners. In total, 30,000 plastic grain bags will be distributed. This way of grain storage will be available to farmers,  except for the temporarily occupied areas. In particular, small and medium-sized farmers are encouraged to participate in the distribution program.

It is worth mentioning the import of plastic bags for 10-15 M mt of grain was reported earlier, but the bags just for 6 M mt are available now. As a reminder, in June 2022, UkrAgroConsult estimated the possible shortage of silo capacities at level of 15 M mt.

Therefore, the storage capacities deficit (which is unavoidable due to slow exports, high carryovers and elevators out of functioning) can be overcome thanks to the operating grain corridor and the assistance in importing alternative grain storage outfits.