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Forecasts and scenarios for the recovery of Ukraine’s agricultural sector in 2023-2025

21 February, 2023 at 15:02

Russia’s war against Ukraine was a shock primarily for our country. In March-April 2022, almost the entire economy of the country stopped. About 80-90% of companies were not working. We were predicted to fall into an abyss. But we persevered and surprisingly showed quite good results in this difficult situation. The agrarian sector was not an exception. Moreover, it was agriculture that became a major rescuer of the Ukrainian economy last year.

However, it should be taken into account that the trends of the past year (2022) were largely predetermined back in 2021. The development of agricultural production and exports in 2023-2024-2025 will be pressured by other, much more complex factors. This will change the behavior of almost all players in both the domestic and world markets, including farmers, traders, logisticians.

In May 2022, UkrAgroConsult Company proposed its vision forecast of large-scale changes that may occur in the short and medium term. We considered possible development scenarios and near-future solutions that seemed feasible at that time.

Much of this forecast has already come true and become a new trend, while something is still in the stage of transformation, needs more time for realization and requires more detailed attention.

New players, new projects and new factors have emerged that will influence future processes in the agricultural, processing and logistics sectors.

To survive and make a profit, it is no longer enough just to plant the fields only to sunflower and wait for the end of the war. A new strategy of the enterprise is to be built already now with taking into account new trends that will play a decisive role in the coming years. Therefore, UkrAgroConsult has prepared a new version of its study: Forecasts and scenarios for the recovery of Ukraine’s agricultural sector in 2023-2025.

The study discusses the following points in detail:

  • How and at what expense Ukraine’s economy managed to persevere?
  • What are the economic development forecasts for 2023-2025?
  • Old and new problems in the agricultural sector and ways to overcome them
  • New trends in the agricultural and processing sectors
  • Forecast for the new 2023/24 harvest. Is there reason for optimism?
  • Investors should get prepared – which industries are being monitored by the funds
  • Is domestic consumption a weak point?
  • Change of agricultural market leaders: the process has moved forward
  • Should we expect a boom in sales/purchases of enterprises
  • Is the land market alive?
  • The logistics sector: new projects are just around the corner