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  • Ukraine. Agri exports in April: grain deal at risk of failure

Ukraine. Agri exports in April: grain deal at risk of failure

10 May, 2023 at 12:05

Latest data April exports amounted to 5.53 M mt of all agricultural products. This is 26% less than in March (7.45 M mt exports). The decline in exports is due to the gradual grain stocks exhausting by the end of 2022/23 season and the unstable operation of the grain corridor.

In April, the share of overland exports dropped to 15.8%, partly due to temporary restrictions on the transit of agricultural products through neighboring countries. Early April, transport companies reported demand decline for overland transportation to Europe, logistic costs dropped being at: 

  • Central Ukraine – northern Italian ports – USD130/t;
  • Central Ukraine – Bulgaria – USD90/t;
  • Western Ukraine – Eastern Germany – USD95/t.

In early May, it became known that the European Commission had banned exports of wheat, corn, rapeseed and sunflower from Ukraine to 5 EU countries, namely Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia until June 5.

Transit is allowed thru these countries. But the main problem with transit is the transit is allowed but accumulation of grains and oilseeds in these countries not possible. So, it is currently impossible to accumulate a batch of grain for further export in the port of Constanta. The Ukrainian side is already asked about changing this decision and the relevant amendments should be adopted in the coming days.