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  • Winter crops in Ukraine ended the fall growing season in better condition than a year ago

Winter crops in Ukraine ended the fall growing season in better condition than a year ago

3 December, 2018 at 09:12

Mostly cool weather with small amounts of uneven precipitation was observed on November 21-30. The average air temperature ranged from -3.90С in Lviv region to +7.80С in Kherson region. The highest air temperature on the warmest days was registered at +1.3-4.50С in Zhytomyr, Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Lviv regions, and at +7-180С in Kherson region. At the coldest nights, air temperature bottomed out at 60С below zero in Kherson region and at 7-100С below zero in the rest of Ukraine.

Precipitation in the form of rain, sleet and snow was seen almost all over the country, though unevenly distributed. Its average rate varied from 1 to 39 mm. Snow cover lay in the northern, western and eastern regions; its height reached 3-6 cm. The depth of soil freezing equaled 4-16 cm as of the end of November. The lowest soil temperature at the depth of winter wheat’s tillering node was registered at 1-60С below zero.

On November 22-23, the average daily air temperature decreased below 00С. Winter weather set in. Winter grains are now at deep winter dormancy. In general, winter crops in Ukraine ended the fall growing season in somewhat better condition than a year ago. Further situation in winter cereal crops will entirely depend on air temperatures and the availability and height of snow cover, reports UkrAgroConsult.