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International Conference ‘BLACK SEA GRAIN & OIL-2023. THE WAY TO RECOVERY’ to take place in Kyiv, September 14

27 June, 2023 at 14:06

Uniting efforts for the recovery and development of agricultural Ukraine!

UkrAgroConsult invites agribusiness players to join the International Conference ‘BLACK SEA GRAIN & OIL-2023. THE WAY TO RECOVERY’ to take place in Kyiv, InterContinental, on September 14, 2023.

This year, due to the war, Ukraine’s agricultural sector has undergone unprecedented changes. Disrupted logistics, reduced processing capacities, outflow of raw materials from the country, export obstacles, falling prices and margins, loss of export markets, and increased competition from other countries in the Black Sea region are just a few of the challenges facing Ukrainian agricultural operators.

2023/24 will become a season of great changes. War challenges brought unparalleled transformations in Ukrainian grain and oilseed industry and require market operators to act outside the box, search for new strategies and niches for cooperation and investment. Major players already consider new projects and are looking for partners willing to take risks and invest right now.

Agriculture and processing are the industries that will restore Ukraine’s GDP the fastest and where we need to invest now.

September 2023 will be a perfect time to discuss the short- and long-term market forecasts, investments, logistics and exports to plan the recovery and development of the agricultural sector.

The conference will bring together agri producers, grain and oilseed processors, agriholdings, food, seed and agrochemical companies, finance and logistics sector, traders and exporters to establish effective interaction between all players in the commodity supply chain.

Key issues to discuss:

  1. Ukraine and the world. The season of great changes. Forecasts for grain and oilseed markets

  2. Changes in the structure and technologies of crop production, inputs sector, agricultural lands

  3. Ukrainian farmer’s margin as a factor of oilseeds area expansion in 2023

  4. Processing – a way to increase the profitability of Ukrainian agribusiness

  5. Steps to after-war recovery. Where to invest in 2023-24?

  6. Farmer support programs – how to get funding? Case presentation

  7. Changes in Ukrainian export markets. Redistribution of market share among other Black Sea players – Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey

  8. New projects and investments in logistics and export routes




The event is organized by consulting agency UkrAgroConsult.

+380 (44) 364 55 85
