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  • Global grain and oilseeds market overview. 2024/25 forecast for agricultural markets. When will demand recover?

Global grain and oilseeds market overview. 2024/25 forecast for agricultural markets. When will demand recover?

9 April, 2024 at 11:04

Demand rules! Join a global session «Global grain and oilseeds market overview. 2024/25 forecast for agricultural markets. When will demand recover?» within BLACK SEA GRAIN. KYIV conference on April 18th.

Learn the first-hand insights from the leading global analysts:
  • China-USA. Strengthening influence of political and geo-economic factors on global trade. Expectations of demand recovery from China? Will trade disputes turn into trade wars?

    Speaker: Wang Hao, Head of Research, North Asian Region, Louis Dreyfus Company

  • South America. Potential for growth in grains and oilseeds production. Intensified competition in the grain, oilseeds, and biofuels markets

     Speaker: Adriano Ode Lo Turco, Senior Market Analyst, Agroconsult, Brazil

  • India. India’s trade policies. Demand forecast for grains and vegetable oils in 2024/25 MY. Ukraine’s share in Indian sunflower oil imports, competition of Ukrainian #sunfloweroil with other origins from the BlackSea region

    Speaker: Guruswamy Chandrashekhar, Economist, Senior Editor and Political Commentator, India

Become part of the BLACK SEA GRAIN. KYIV conference – the center of strategic connections, discussions and networking!

Discover more about participation opportunities within BLACK SEA GRAINKYIV:




Conference Sponsors: General Sponsor – Abbey Commodities, Sponsors – QSS, AmSpec. Partner – Agronizer. The Conference is supported by Ukrainian Grain Association, Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation, Ukroilprom Association, Donau Soja Organization.

Uniting efforts for the recovery and development of agricultural Ukraine!

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or ask a question? You are welcome:
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