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  • Sunseed harvest will decrease significantly in the Black Sea-Danube region in 2024

Sunseed harvest will decrease significantly in the Black Sea-Danube region in 2024

30 July, 2024 at 16:07

The hot summer is becoming a serious challenge for crops in Ukraine, russia and the EU, even for sunflower, which is more resistant to hot weather. Unusually high temperatures in July, combined with dry soil, have negative impact on yield forecasts and prospects for the new crop.

Due to the extremely high average daily temperatures and the rapid accumulation of effective heat, which is significantly higher than the long-term average, the inter-phase periods of sunflower development are shortened, which can lead to a premature end of the growing season and a reduction in yield. In addition, such daytime weather conditions lead to wilting of the plants, sometimes even to desiccation and complete plant death from drought.

In its July report, MARS lowered its yield forecasts for almost all EU crops. For sunseed – from 2.2 t/ha to 2.09 t/ha, which is 2% less than the 5-year average.

The current sunseed crop forecast worsened for all countries in the Black Sea-Danube region. In general, the crop in 2024/25 MY will decrease by 8%. No country will avoid the decline in SFS production in 2024.

The risks on agricultural production and exports, as well as current forecasts and trends in the Black Sea-Danube region will be among the key issues of the International Conference BLACK SEA OIL TRADE – 2024, October 15, Bucharest