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  • Black Sea & Danube Region. What’s Beyond the 2024/25 Season’s Equator? Grains & Oilseeds

Black Sea & Danube Region. What’s Beyond the 2024/25 Season’s Equator? Grains & Oilseeds

28 January, 2025 at 16:01

We are glad to announce Sergey Feofilov, Director General, UkrAgroConsult as a Speaker of the 22 International Conference BLACK SEA GRAIN.EUROPE. The conference will be held on February 13-14  in Prague, Marriott Hotel.

Sergey Feofilov will share his market insights in a Presentation ‘Black Sea & Danube Region. What's Beyond the 2024/25 Season's Equator? Grains & Oilseeds’:

  • What are the 2025 harvest and export forecasts in the Black Sea and Danube regions?
  • Winter crops conditions for the 2025 harvest.
  • How can the political and economic situation in the region affect the production and export of grains and oilseeds?
  • How will climate change affect the cultivation of grains and oilseeds in the Black Sea and Danube regions?
  • What factors can change the export flows of grains and oilseeds from the region? New export rules caused uncertainty in Ukraine
  • Agri and Food. What challenges and opportunities may arise for farmers in the Black Sea and Danube region in 2025/26?

Follow the link to see the full conference Agenda.

BLACK SEA GRAIN. EUROPE offers exclusive agri market analytics and insights from the top industry experts, effective networking and meetings with players across the value chain, top managers, decision-makers and opinion leaders.

The conference will connect top market stakeholders of the Black Sea & Danube region, CEE and Balkans to foster effective agri commodity supply chains to the global food markets.

Join the ultimate gathering of agibusiness professionalsfrom 20+ countries – producers and crushers of grains & oilseeds, commodity traders, agri-food, logistics and finance sectors, government authorities and industry associations.




Distinguished Sponsors and Partners of the conference: Legal Sponsor – Fortior Law, Lanyard Sponsor – QSS,  Sponsors - Filhet-Allard Maritime, Сontrol Union. The Conference is supported by  Ukrainian Grain Association, Ukraininan Agrarian Conferederation, Ukroilprom Association, Donau Soja Organisation, Ukrainian-Czech Chamber of Commerce (UKRCHAM).

Willing to cooperate, become a partner or ask a question? You are welcome: [email protected] +380443645585 +380507861310 (WA, Viber, Telegram)