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  • Romania could start new season without sunseed stocks

Romania could start new season without sunseed stocks

18 March, 2025 at 13:03

Despite the exhausting sunseed stocks after the poor 2024 crop, the price is still stagnating. Moreover, in March 7-14, SFS price lost about USD 5/mt FOB Constanta, due to the depreciation of dollar, which sounded like a sad news to farmers having the 2024 crop stocks.

SFS price declined to USD 585/mt DAP Constanta, while farmers intend to renew SFS sales if the price is USD 600/mt. If the price stagnate or go down, most likely farmers will have to increase SFS sales and crushers will buy more SFS of local origin in April-July.

To cover the SFS deficit and maintain the supply of sunoil Romanian crushers are refining crude oil, imported from Ukraine, with major part delivered in November 2024.

The availability of crude oil stocks is another factor, putting a stop to SNS price jump.

However, SFS price growth remains possible, as SFS exports seem significant, considering the 2024 low crop.

The exports is only 9% below last year over the same period. This confirms sharply lower SFS crushing in 2024/25 and looming zero sunseed carry over stocks for the next 2025/26 season.