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  • “Black Sea Grain-2018: Moving Up the Value Chain” – Early Bird registration goes on!

“Black Sea Grain-2018: Moving Up the Value Chain” – Early Bird registration goes on!

14 November, 2017 at 06:11

Early Bird registration for the XV International Conference “Black Sea Grain-2018: Moving Up the Value Chain” goes on. The conference will take place on April 18-19, 2018 in InterContinental hotel, Kiev, Ukraine. Organizer – consulting agency UkrAgroConsult, General Sponsor – ACTAVA TRADING, supported by GAFTA and Ukrainian Grain Association.

Take advantage of Early Bird registration rates and book your place till Dec 31, 2017.

International Conference “Black Sea Grain” is one of the largest global platforms, recognized by leaders of grain & oilseed industry. It’s a major meeting point for the top agribusiness community, effective networking and exclusive market analysis. “Black Sea Grain” Conference is annually attended by 700+ delegates from 500+ companies and 50+ countries.

In 2018 ‘Black Sea Grain’ will address the following issues:

  1. Macroeconomics and geopolitics as factors driving the global agrarian market
  2. Current state and close prospects of the world grain market
  3. Global consumption of food and agri products: trends and changes. Population, middle class, demand: forecasts, risks, growth limits
  4. Investments flow in the global agricultural sector. Growing concentration of export and consumption, M&A outlook
  5. Main global suppliers of agri commodities: key regional trends         
  6. Black Sea countries: grain production, processing, logistics, margin
  7. Macro analysis of the Black Sea region: financing and investment deficit
  8. Agricultural production: shifting from volumes to added value
  9. Effective management as a factor of improving agribusiness efficiency
  10. Production growth: agricultural technologies, resources, risks, weather
  11. Ukrainian bank sector and agri corporations: growing transparency promotes closer cooperation, 2018-2025 

Conference Agenda will be available soon.


For participation issues, advertising and sponsorship options please contact:

Email: [email protected]

Tel.: + 380 44 451 46 34; +38 044 220 52 42

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