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  • Ukraine. Sunflower oil output remains all-time best

Ukraine. Sunflower oil output remains all-time best

28 December, 2018 at 10:12

Although the pace of sunseed crushing does not yet meet expectations related to the bumper crop, sunflower oil output in the first three months remains record high for this time of year, at 1472.7 KMT against 1336 KMT a year earlier, reports UkrAgroConsult.

Thus, Ukraine's large and medium-sized crushers produced 517.5 KMT of sunflower oil in November 2018/19 that is almost 3% less than in the previous month (533.4 KMT), but 8% more than in November 2017/18 (478.5 KMT).

Assessing the outlooks for the current season, UkrAgroConsult leaves its sunflower oil production forecast unchanged.