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  • Ukraine. Survival rate of plants of winter grains is approximately 99%

Ukraine. Survival rate of plants of winter grains is approximately 99%

14 January, 2019 at 07:01

Changeable weather with alternating thaws and freezes was observed on January 1-10. The weather all over the country was still warmer than usual, with average air temperatures 0.1-3.00С above normal. However, it became 1-60С colder than normal after January 5. The average daily air temperature was freezing within the range of -1.3-6.60С. A gradual temperature decrease began over the entire country on January 7, accompanied by night freezes at -7.3-13.00С and snowfalls.

As of January 10, snow covered all the parts of Ukraine. Its height equaled 20-42 cm in the northern, western and central regions, 2-24 cm in the southern ones and 10-27 cm in the east. Plants of winter grains were dormant, reports UkrAgroConsult.

In January, soil temperature at the depth of tillering node of winter crops did not fall below -2-40С, while the critical frost-killing temperature for winter wheat was -15-160С with that for winter rye and winter barley at -17-180С and -13-140С, respectively.

Plant growing tests showed that the survival rate of plants of winter grains (wheat, rye, triticale) equals 98-99%.

No significant events potentially dangerous to winter grain crops have been observed by now – this is evidenced by high viability of their plants.

Winter rape plants are dormant everywhere. The critical frost-killing temperature for winter rape is 13-140С below zero; no risk of winterkill occurred this past week.