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  • Ukraine. 71.1% of wheat exported under the Memorandum

Ukraine. 71.1% of wheat exported under the Memorandum

25 January, 2019 at 17:01

According to the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection, the country’s 2018/19 grain exports had reached 26.301 MMT by January 18, 2019, including 11.378 MMT of wheat (6.652 MMT of milling wheat plus flour in grain equivalent and 4.726 MMT of feed wheat), 3.261 MMT of barley and 11.056 MMT of corn.

Wheat flour exports reached 133 KMT (177 KMT in grain equivalent).

Ukrainian exporters have already shipped abroad 71.1% of the all-class wheat volume stated in an appendix to the Memorandum of Understanding regarding 2018/19 grain exports (including flour in grain equivalent).

Thus, the remaining wheat that can be exported by the season-end amounts to 4.622 MMT. At the same time, milling wheat exports have already reached 83.2% of the agreed volume (the exportable remainder equals 1.348 MMT) and those of feed wheat have come to 59.1% (3.724 MMT is left for export), reports UkrAgroConsult.