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  • Sunflower acreage in Kazakhstan to be expanded

Sunflower acreage in Kazakhstan to be expanded

4 February, 2019 at 16:02

Kazakhstan will continue diversifying its plantings in 2019. It is projected to reduce planted acreage of grains in favor of feed and oil crops. The total area to be seeded to all crops is 22.3 Ml ha, or 291 Th ha larger than last year, reports UkrAgroConsult.

The country’s planted area of sunflower will increase by 10.2 Th ha, to 874.5 Th ha.

Detailed analysis of the latest trends in oilseeds/vegoils/meals exports, palm oil imports, supply and demand balances with breakdown by crop as well as crop conditions and progress in planting/harvesting in the countries of Black Sea Region is available to subscribers for weekly market report "Black Sea Vegoils" by UkrAgroConsult.