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  • Ukraine. Winter grain crop condition is mostly good

Ukraine. Winter grain crop condition is mostly good

5 February, 2019 at 14:02

Unstable weather, moderately warm for this season, prevailed on January 21-31. Precipitation occurred in the form of snow and sleet. Also, it has rained over the past four days. Due to a substantial rise in daytime air temperature (locally up to +2-80С), thaw embraced the entire country.

Precipitation was seen all over Ukraine this past week. Depending on the region, its rates ranged from 0.2 mm (in the south of the country) to 27 mm (in the north and east).

On January 21-31, winter grains in Ukraine were dormant and exposed to fair weather conditions for survival. Their condition is mostly good. Meteorologists reported no critical temperatures that could have killed winter crops.

During severe frost occurrences, plants were covered with a thick layer of snow. As of January 20, the frost-kill temperature for winter wheat well developed since the fall was calculated at -14-170С, reports UkrAgroConsult.

On cold nights, the lowest soil temperature at the depth of winter crops’ tillering node was 30С below zero. As of late January, the soil was frozen to a depth of 2-18 cm.

Growing tests of plants sampled on January 25 showed the plant survival rates of wheat, rye, triticale and barley at 98-100%. Winter crops sown prior to October 1, 2018 are in the tillering stage with 2-8 tillers per plant, while those planted after October 10 remain in the emergence stage.

At the same time, a predicted ten-day warm spell will probably lead to partial waterlogging of winter crops in field depressions. In addition, crops may incur the risk of ice crust.

More detailed information on the latest trends in grain exports, supply and demand balances with breakdown by crop, price behavior, crop conditions and progress in harvesting/planting in the countries of Black Sea Region is available to subscribers for weekly market report "Black Sea Grain" by UkrAgroConsult.