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  • Russian soybean oil to be exported to Vietnam for the first tim

Russian soybean oil to be exported to Vietnam for the first tim

5 March, 2019 at 15:03

A long-term contract for supplying Zhemchuzhina Amura soybean oil has been signed following previous talks held in Vietnam. The Amur company was the first in Russia to sign such an agreement.

A trial oil cargo of some 30 MT will be exported shortly.

The oil extraction plant of Soya ANK produces soybean oil and meal since 2014. Its first line is capable of making 50 KMT of meal and 10 KMT of oil a year. The second line can annually produce up to 15 Ml of one-liter bottles of refined soybean oil. The finished products are supplied mostly to the domestic market and China.