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  • Ukraine keeps exporting corn at a record pace

Ukraine keeps exporting corn at a record pace

15 March, 2019 at 16:03

The pace of corn exports from Ukraine continues quickening. In February, the country shipped abroad a record corn volume for that month (3.7 MMT) and the greatest monthly volume since December 2013/14, reports UkrAgroConsult.

Overall, Ukrainian corn exports in H1 2018/19 hit an all-time high of 15.1 MMT, up 77% from September-February 2017/18 (8.5 MMT). 

The European Union, China and Egypt were the biggest importers of Ukrainian corn in the first half of this season, as well as a year earlier.  

The European Union is the top buyer of corn from Ukraine. Its export share increased to 63% in H1 2018/19 against 50% in the same period a year earlier. Among the European importers, the largest volume of Ukrainian corn was shipped this season to Spain, which purchased 2.8 MMT compared with 1.6 MMT in the whole of MY 2017/18.

China, the second biggest consumer of Ukrainian corn, also boosted purchases substantially in H1 2018/19, to 1.5 MMT against 0.94 MMT in the same period last season (up 63%).

In addition, Ukrainian exporters continued stepping up corn supplies to major markets such as Egypt (+31%) and Libya (+33%).

This season witnesses smaller exports of Ukrainian corn to Turkey (-10%), Israel (-19%) and Tunisia (-20%).