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  • Romania. Corn exports are 18% higher

Romania. Corn exports are 18% higher

30 May, 2019 at 12:05

According to port data, in April 2019 Romania exported 192.76 KMT of corn, which was 29% higher than in the same month of 2018, reports UkrAgroConsult. Key buyers of the month were Turkey, Lebanon, Spain and Egypt.

In September-April 2018/19 Romania shipped 3274 KMT of corn via ports, which is 18% more than over the same period of 2017/18 due to higher export potential. Compared with the same period of 2016/17 exports are up 56%.

This season 55% of corn exports belongs to non-EU destinations such as Lebanon, Iran, Egypt, Turkey while in 2017/18 their share equaled to 33%.