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  • Bulgaria’s grain export potential may increase in 2019/20 season

Bulgaria’s grain export potential may increase in 2019/20 season

4 June, 2019 at 16:06

UkrAgroConsult forecasts that Bulgaria’s wheat crop will rise in the 2019/20 season due to both some acreage expansion and yield increase.

As for barley 2019 crop, we predict no substantial changes. Barley acreage in Bulgaria remains steadily low, its crop and exports are expected to be roughly equal to this season’s levels.

Like in Ukraine, high corn yield in 2018 and growing profitability of its cultivation push farmers to expand plantings of this crop, though its stocks in the country are still high.

We estimate the country’s 2019/20 corn export potential will be higher compared to the current season. However, alike this season’s one, Bulgaria’s ability to realize it is still a questionable point in view of tough competition with Ukraine.

Thus, according to UkrAgroConsult’s estimates, this year’s crop of major grains in Bulgaria may be roughly as high as last year. Its export potential may increase.