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Kazakhstan completed spring planting

11 June, 2019 at 10:06

In total, Kazakh farmers have planted 19 Ml ha to spring crops in 2019, including 14.5 Ml ha to grains, 2.7 Ml ha to oi crops, 1.2 Ml ha to forage crops and 144 Th ha to industrial crops.

Planted acreage of oil crops is 2783.4 Th ha, or 101.8% of the forecast 2733 Th ha.

Planting was completed within the optimum time period that is essential for obtaining a good yield. Weather conditions were favorable for conducting this work, reports UkrAgroConsult.

Please be reminded that on September 5, UkrAgroConsult will host a major meeting point of the oilseed industry operators - the 7th International Conference “Black Sea Oil Trade-2019” in Hilton, Kyiv, Ukraine.

‘Black Sea Oil Trade’ conference annually brings together key players of the global agribusiness at the start of a new oilseed season. The goal of the conference is to discuss prospects and directions of the Black Sea and global oilseed market development, exchange international contacts, share recommendations for adapting business strategies in the changing market and global trade.

More than 250 delegates from 25+ countries attend the conference annually. Conference participants are represented by producers and crushers of oilseeds, traders, enterprises for deep processing of vegoils, investment companies, banks, legal, shipping, brokerage, insurance, surveyor and other companies.