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  • Harvest of winter grains began in the south of the Black Sea region

Harvest of winter grains began in the south of the Black Sea region

13 June, 2019 at 11:06

Ukrainian farmers in Mykolaiv region have begun harvesting winter barley. At the same time, its start was somewhat delayed by downpours that occurred in the region last week.

In case of favorable agrometeorological conditions, the massive harvest of early grains and rapeseed in southern Ukraine is expected will start on June 21-30.

Russian growers have begun harvesting winter grains, though for now this only concerns single farms in Stavropol region. According to the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, if the present hot weather persists, harvest operations in southern parts of the country will become massive as soon as June 11-20.

Late-spring dryness, especially in the south of Russia (Stavropol and Rostov regions), caused concerns in the market, but its effect was partially mitigated by recent rains.