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  • Argentina Jan crush falls 8% year-on-year as poor yields expected

Argentina Jan crush falls 8% year-on-year as poor yields expected

23 February, 2018 at 11:02

The Argentinian soybean crush for January was reported at 2.8 million mt, up 25% from December, but down 8% year-on-year, the national directorate of AgriFood markets reported.

The figures come at a time when private analysts are estimating a steep fall in Argentina's crop production, with many now predicting the nation will produce 50 million mt or less, down at least 15% on the previous year.

A shortage of beans means local crushers reportedly had to pay 6,000 pesos per tonne on Tuesday.

However, the 2018 January crush was up 10% from the five-year average and the third highest recorded for Argentina in 10 years, the monthly reported showed.