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  • Ukraine. Some areas across the south and east were hit by soil drought

Ukraine. Some areas across the south and east were hit by soil drought

8 July, 2019 at 18:07

Weather conditions. The average daily air temperature in early July was 1-3.5°С above normal, at 21-25°С. In the western and northern regions, it was 0.4-0.7°С below normal, at 16-19°С. The highest air temperatures were registered at 28-32°С and the lowest ones dropped to 7-13°С.

Moisture supply. Precipitation ranging from weak to moderate, locally heavy downpours accompanied by squalls and hail, occurred almost all over the country in June. As a result, winter crops lodged over significant areas in different regions. Some areas across the south and east were hit by soil drought on June 21-30 – this is an adverse factor for growing late crops, reports UkrAgroConsult.

Crop condition is mostly good and fair.