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Russia: soybean production going to hit a new high!

9 July, 2019 at 14:07

According to preliminary data on harvesting progress, 2.86 Ml ha had been planted to soybeans by June 20, i.e. 5% more than a year earlier, but 6.2% less than projected (3.05 Ml ha).

A shortfall in planting in the Far East (-17%) because of adverse weather will partially be offset by above-forecast planted areas in the Central, Volga and Siberian federal districts (+3.1%, +10.6%, +32%, respectively).

In opinion of UkrAgroConsult, in case of a yield at the five-year average, the soybean crop in Russia will manage to obtain a new all-time high. If the soybean yield rises compared to a five-year average level, this record will be even more.