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  • Romania: total sunflower oil exports may set a new record this season

Romania: total sunflower oil exports may set a new record this season

17 July, 2019 at 10:07

According to available data, Romanian sunflower seed exports by sea in September-June 2018/19 were still noticeably behind last year, despite a large crop.  

In the period under review exports are already 17% less than a year earlier. This season’s exports went almost entirely to EU countries in view of a crop decrease in the EU’s biggest sunseed supplier, i.e. France. This season’s total sunflower seed exports from Romania will be the second highest on record, but its volume is estimated below our initial expectations.

The drop in exports is caused by the fact that Romania is stepping up sunflower seed crush and sunflower oil exports.

According to our estimates, Romanian sunflower oil exports in MY 2018/19 (September-August) may reach another record and beat last season`s maximum by 10%.