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  • Ukraine’s 2018/19 flour exports down 30%

Ukraine’s 2018/19 flour exports down 30%

31 July, 2019 at 17:07

Ukraine exported 301 KMT of wheat flour in MY 2018/19, or 30% less than in MY 2017/18 (429.8 KMT), reports UkrAgroConsult. This is the lowest volume of exports in five years.

Flour production also dropped in MY 2018/19, to 1.7 MMT (down 13% from 1.9 MMT in MY 2017/18). The key export destinations include Asia, Africa, the Near East. The number of importing countries fell to 59 against 64 last season.

The top importer of Ukrainian flour in MY 2018/19 is the United Arab Emirates (up 5% from MY 2017/18, the second biggest buyer last season).

Last season’s major importers slashed purchases: China (-61%, the biggest importer in MY 2017/18); the EU (-74%); Israel (-30%).