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  • Romanian farmers report a drop in the average yield of harvested winter crops

Romanian farmers report a drop in the average yield of harvested winter crops

12 August, 2019 at 17:08

Weather conditions. This past week, air temperatures in Romania stayed on average 2-4°C below long-term normals. The average daytime temperature varied from +23°С to +33°С. Thermometers registered 37-38°С in the south of the country on August 8.

Moisture supply. Precipitation occurred mostly in the north and northeast of Romania (15-25 mm over the week). Soil drought persists in the west and southwest of the country. Spring crops are rated mostly good and excellent.

Romanian farmers report a drop in the average yield of harvested winter crops against last year’s one. The grain quality varies by region, reports UkrAgroConsult.

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