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Romanian wheat returning to Asian countries

29 August, 2019 at 11:08

According to port data, Romania exported 6% less of wheat in the first month of MY 2019/20 than in July 2018. Nevertheless, this volume is 18% above the average in the previous three seasons in view of a high crop in 2019. 

Downpours in June-July somewhat slowed the harvesting of winter crops. In addition, due to wet weather, farmers have expressed concerns about the quality of the new crop. A decreased average yield is to some degree offset by higher wheat plantings for 2019, reports UkrAgroConsult

July 2019/20 featured a larger export share of feed wheat than in the same month last year, as well as a surge in Asian demand for Romanian wheat owing to attractive price.

The Asian buyers included the following: Thailand, Sri-Lanka, the Philippines and the faraway Japan.

In July, apart from stepping up exports to Asian countries, Romania maintained supplies to a traditional buyer such as Egypt, which purchased as much as in the same month last season.