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Ukraine. Abolition of Agriculture Ministry – part of a new government’s plan?

30 August, 2019 at 15:08

Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine doesn't exist no longer. The agricultural sector will be managed by newly born Ministry for Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture with Tymofiy Mylovanov as a Minister.

Yes, a surprise, though 40-45% of export revenues come from the agrarian industry. We suppose, next year or two, the Ministry will appear again but this will be another Ministry.

UkrAgroConsult believes that the abolition of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine is a part of a certain project.

But which project? Opening of the land market? This is what comes first to mind, but there may be other more global projects.

Currently, almost all sources and agricultural market operators are focused on discussing a possible opening of the land market – when will it open or maybe it already functions in some form or other. Such a concentration of attention of the whole society on a secondary issue is unacceptable. This distracts attention and covers a much more important problem – on what terms this market will open.

The issue of land purchase and sale terms is still unresolved (at least there is no information on this), but this is the most important part of the land market. Actually, all the consequences (positive or negative), which all sources speak so colorful about, will be determined by the terms and conditions under which land property transfer agreements will be made.