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  • Ukraine. Latest ever planting of spring cereals

Ukraine. Latest ever planting of spring cereals

12 April, 2018 at 13:04

The beginning of April featured warm dry weather with significant temperature fluctuation. In the south, winter crops resumed growth for a few times in March. That late resumption of crop growth in the current year will exert some influence on the development of winter cereals. A temperature increase expected in the coming days, will surely slow down regeneration processes, plant growth and entail partial dieback of tillers. At the same time, the late resumption of growth does have a beneficial consequence: better grain quality, in particular higher content of protein and gluten in grains, reports UkrAgroConsult.

The late arrival of spring caused a delay in planting of early spring crops. According to the Ag Ministry, they have been sown on 137.8 Th ha (6%) by now that is far less than by the same date a year ago (1884 Th ha). Most regions have not started planting yet.

Spring fieldwork has begun in the Steppe zone, specifically in Kherson (23%), Odesa (18%), Zaporizhia (17%), and Mykolaiv (13%) regions. According to research institutions, thus year’s latest allowable date for sowing early spring cereals is April 15. Grain yield will fall sharply in case of later planting.

Farmers have already fertilized 4502.1 Th ha of winter cereals that is 62% of their target area and far less than at the same time last year (7037 Th ha, 99%).