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  • Kazakhstan. Rapeseed still not the top priority crop for growers

Kazakhstan. Rapeseed still not the top priority crop for growers

8 October, 2019 at 17:10

The Grain Union of Kazakhstan estimates that rapeseed production cost in 2018 averaged more than USD 202/MT (excluding VAT) with the annual average selling price in the country at USD 296/MT (excluding VAT).

The profitability of rapeseed production equals 46.5% against 72% for linseed, 50% for barley and 35% for wheat, reports UkrAgroConsult.

Despite stable demand from Kazakh crushers and exporters, the expansion of rape plantings is curbed by the following factors:

- complexity of agronomic practices and the need for additional implements to grow this crop (special seed drills, sprayers etc.);

- the weather factor and binding to a certain agroclimatic zone;

- the lack of equipment and infrastructure for rapeseed drying, cleaning and storage;

- high cost of rape growing (seed, fertilizers, machinery, plant protection products).