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  • Romania. Soil drought still persists due to high air temperatures

Romania. Soil drought still persists due to high air temperatures

20 November, 2019 at 13:11

Weather conditions. Air temperatures this past week were far above their long-term normal level (+6..9°С, even +12°С in the north).

The average air temperature was within +8…+18°С. On November 12, the thermometers showed +24°С in the south. The 0-10-cm soil layer warmed up to +9..+19°С.

Moisture supply. This past week, precipitation of various intensities (5-15 mm) occurred all over the country. Abundant rain fell in the south (25-35 mm), but soil drought still persists on vast expanses of Romania due to high air temperatures. Sufficient precipitation rates are registered locally in the southwest, northwest and northeast of the country, reports UkrAgroConsult.

Crop growth stages


Growth stage

Winter grains

Tillering to 3rd leaf