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  • Ukraine slipped down the ranking of global pea producers

Ukraine slipped down the ranking of global pea producers

4 December, 2019 at 15:12

Peas were one of the most profitable pulse crops in Ukraine in 2015-2016. However, following a 2017 peak in production, their profit margin plunged to a negative value in 2018 – only sugar beet cultivation was more loss making then.

Pea production started declining from 2018. Export potential of the record 2017 crop was not realized to its full extent, therefore closing stocks were excessive at 63% of domestic consumption.

Ukraine’s share in world pea production fell to 4% in 2019 from 6% in 2018.

After the signing of the Association Agreement with Ukraine, the European Union began to actively purchase Ukrainian peas. Following a drop in shipments to India, the EU continues to be the top buyer of peas and other pulses from Ukraine.